First Grow Box - Ventilation and Light Proof Question

Hi all!

So I am in the process of the first grow box. :) very exciting and going well! But as I begin to plan to flower in a few weeks, I am running into some ventilation and light proofing issues.

The current set up:
One chamber 28"w x 14"d x 18"h (not huge, but I'm trying to keep by plants fairly short and wide for only personal use... and hobby)
4 plants from seeds (unsure of sex yet)
Currently 4 75w CFLs on 18/6

I have 2 PC fans I plan to install on the top, and cutting a passive intake hole or 2 on bottom, or side near the bottom. But when I transfer to 12/12 I'm concerned about light getting into my box from the holes (No one wants a hermie!)

Stelth isnt a huge issue, I plan to just put scented air filters over the exhaust to cut down the smell if it becomes an issue. But, I would like to avoid having duct work all over the place because I dont have a ton of room to work with. I was thinking about buying a few of these to attach to the outside of the exhaust fans and 1 for the passive intake.

Any suggestions??




Active Member
You could try makeing some covers for the intake and exaust ports. Perhaps out of cardboard or some duct connectors and 90o angle pieces. Here's a sketch I did to give you a basic idea.


Active Member
Didn't even click your link. Those would probably work for the sides, but on top depending the amibient light the room your box is in may still allow some light to creep in.
Thanks for the sketch raven! :) my issue tho is the fans I bought are 5" x 5" so id have to get duct with at least a 6" diameter, and to make a 90* angle, they go up pretty high and thats what I was trying to avoid... but if those worked for the side, wouldnt they work on the top too? That's what they're designed for... Seems like an easy solution, but almost too easy haha ;) I was wondering if I was missing something? Other than a carbon filter.


Active Member
I was just thinking that depending how much light is the surrounding room and what angle it's shineing at, some might seep through those vents.


Active Member
Not if thier faceing the wall. Or you could double up and use both. Put vent covers on the tubes. That should ensure absolutly no light gets in. Not that this matters, but I think it would look cool with the tubes on top, like a steam ship cruiseing the sea of