First Grow (Building Hydro Sys) Help...


It’s killing me! I’m sitting here with everything i need in front of me except the bin!
I”m building a DWC/drip system out of a 5gal bucket and a 35gal plastic bin.

:confused:1) How close can my 5in net pots be together? I’m working with a 32 x 19in lid. Originally i was thinking 2, then 3, then 4, and now I’m like F-it might as well make it 6 hehehe.

:confused:2) Will the unit have to be drained and refilled? I was under the impression earlier that as long as you kept up your nutrients and PH why drain it?



Well-Known Member
I use a 5 gallon bucket as a reservoir, with three 6 inch net pots fitting comfortably in the lid. The plants have enough room to grow through a month of veg.
I moved mine to soil for flower. You could probably put each 6 inch pot straight into a new 5 gal. flowering bucket, and it should have ample space!


Well-Known Member
Also, your picture does not show.

Try use the rollitup uploader instead of another site.

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Runs like a champ! Almost all done here. Just gotta head down to the hydro shop for a few more things: light, nutrients, one more net pot, and cubes for my germinated seeds. Then the action starts! LOL just wish i could grow the real deal now… till Jan at least! hehehe :weed:



Well-Known Member
Those plant sites are too close for anything big, but you should have the water to support them for sure. So get ready if they start getting big you gotta lock the netcups down to that lid real good. tie a rope around them who cares just keep them down. Then you can just bend them out toward the 4 directions, get the canopy even on them and drop the lights on the sides for a nice big harvest I think.


Nice. I thought they would be a lil too close, but i just figured they’ed be good for veging later on when i really can start getting down. So the root systems will fill that whole bin and push up the lid an pots?


Active Member
You can easily veg them in that tote. But when flowering I'd move em to single 3 or 5 gallon bucket or grow 1-2 per tote..


Well-Known Member
Yea man for any decent sized plant you will want to have it in its own 5 gallon bucket...Just a question. Why build all this for your first setup? Hydro is a complicated process and to excell you must understand a lot. First off before anythign u should have checked to see how the water in your local area is. then ph ecc and ppm of all the junk in it. And if using city water how much chlorine or clomide is used in treating the water. then get an agent to counter act this. Not to mention everytime you but a new set of nutrient or genetic you have to relearn everything. Like most hydro guys im sure you wont stay with your nutes too long. So why have to figure all your doses out again. IMO if your growing small for personal get some good organic soil, a nice light, and a few books on cultivation. You will find organics to be easier with just having to water. as well as youll never get the beautiful purple yellows and blue hues nevermind the mind blowing tatse of good organic nugs. I started out like you building an 8 net aeroponics/ dwc with 200$ nutes and every little additive u could think of. i thought i was on my way. Turns out there is a lot mroe to hydro then i thought. Had an old hippie smoke me on some organic romulan...havent bought or msoked anything grown in water since


Yea man for any decent sized plant you will want to have it in its own 5 gallon bucket...Just a question. Why build all this for your first setup? Hydro is a complicated process and to excell you must understand a lot. First off before anythign u should have checked to see how the water in your local area is. then ph ecc and ppm of all the junk in it. And if using city water how much chlorine or clomide is used in treating the water. then get an agent to counter act this. Not to mention everytime you but a new set of nutrient or genetic you have to relearn everything. Like most hydro guys im sure you wont stay with your nutes too long. So why have to figure all your doses out again. IMO if your growing small for personal get some good organic soil, a nice light, and a few books on cultivation. You will find organics to be easier with just having to water. as well as youll never get the beautiful purple yellows and blue hues nevermind the mind blowing tatse of good organic nugs. I started out like you building an 8 net aeroponics/ dwc with 200$ nutes and every little additive u could think of. i thought i was on my way. Turns out there is a lot mroe to hydro then i thought. Had an old hippie smoke me on some organic romulan...havent bought or msoked anything grown in water since
I’ve been wanting to do this for about 8 years now and have finally been able to. I want to make it my life. Especially with the way its going i think if you can be top notch in this industry you can catch the wave and make out on top. I’m on the track to get my degree in Horticulture/Plant Sciences. The more time i put into my own lil projects the more ahead I’ll come out in class!

Thx for the info on checking my water. I use the filtered water from the machines 5 gal. Thought that would be pretty safe and easy to start off with. I really know nothing about ppm or ecc right now. I gotta do some research on it for sure.

I can’t start my real grow till Jan. So till then i’ll just be experimenting cloning vegies and herbs, seeds and nutes. Once i set up the grow room I plan on trying a bit of everything… One thing I’ve always wanted to try is take clones and plant one in hydro w organic nutes, soil/organic, soil/ some crazy nutes and sprays etc and compare the finished product. Anyone ever try something similar?


plus everything including rooting gel, nutes, clay peb, pumps, EVERYTHING right round $100. Light is coming end of this month. Plenty of light coming in from my arcadia door for now.


Well-Known Member
Here ya go, home depot has everything but the pumps, they have those but cost too much, total cost in material about 60 bux, total cost in labor a fucking huge headache putting it together but well worth it in the end, I just chiopped some 5 plus foot plants in these , one tote one plant.see photos. oh yeah to the uppity guy talking about "why hydro" this was my first grow too and I can answer that, yield. silly question, why hydro. Oh I forgot to mention though he is pretty accurate with his info I'm on my second grow and have already changed nutrients........from plain ol advanced nutrients sensi bloom a/b to the advanced nutrients connoisseur bloom(couldn't afford the stuff the first time), same grow and additives b52 and big bud, probably add some bud candy and overdrive this time. oh and PS, I was jk about the uppity part.dirt boi.

