First grow CFL Hymalaya Blue Diesel, La Diva and Bubbleliscious


:leaf:This is my first grow and i descided to go with autoflowers. I have 2 regular plants, Blue Cheese, going on a month and a half under a 1000w hps light! i have topped one of them and we are letting them veg...
Back to this grow,
-regular cardboard box, but the inside is white, box came like that, cut it up and made it to size i needed. DSCF0342.jpg

-(3) , 60w cfl lights (i have a 4th as u can see a hole for it) and 2 (100)w cfl lights(middle), which i have read nothing but good outcomes about, and use much less energy. DSCF0350.jpg
-(1) computer fan i wired to a regullar wall plug its 240v, i've got one hole on the bottom of the box on each side air in air out.DSCF0348.jpg(La Diva)

Buddz: Deliscious's La Diva, Nirvana's Bubbleliscious, and Short Stuff's Hymalaya Blue Diesel

These are autoflowering plants so they dont ansolutely need crazy lights. I ordered the seeds from , it took about 2 weeks to receive, and all 3 germinated within 2 days, the bubble and bludeisel wrer on the first day so i pplanted them, La Diva took 2 days before i planted. They all sprouted within 3 days. right now im on about a week and a half in pots. im giving them 24hrs of light. They seem to be growing nice. I used an Indoor Exotic Plants potting soil and am nourishing them with bottled water. after anotherr week I am going to start adding nutrients. I want all natural and dont want to put any chemicals into them, if anyone has any comments or suggestions please state em... i heard of bat guano or iguana juice?? . Ill be updating every now and then with pictures if theres anyone who seems interested!.!.
Take it ez guys:clap::leaf::weed::wall::fire:

In the pics the La Diva is all the way on the LEFT, Hymalaya Blue Diessel middle and Bubblelicious on the rightDSCF0345.jpg
DSCF0344.jpg Hymalaya on the left and Bubble on the right

