First Grow - CFL Semi Stealth

Hi all, ok so this is my first fore into the world of growing. I personally do not smoke, but my girlfriend does, so to help with the cost I thought I would try my hand at this. (and I love learning new shit!)

Space - Solid computer desk W(2'9") x D(2') x H(2'2")
Lined with black/white plastic.

Soil - No idea, some no name shit from Bunnings. Yea I know quality counts but my other half is watching every dollar I spend :wall: Appears to have no food in it.
I plan on buying some thing a lot better when it's time to re-pot.

Lights - Currently using two CFL 6500k 24W, the plan is to bump this up to about nine of the same globes.

I have been taking them outside for sunlight and running the lights all night.

Beginning -
Germinated a heap of seeds, no idea what strand they are, picked the six healthiest ones and potted them into their temporary holders. Because this is my first time I expect to have miserable results, my main goal is to get a mother for the next run.

The space is slowly being finished, I need to fix the ventilation as it is only temporary. Walls are lined with white plastic. Temps have been sitting at roughly 23 degrees with no fans but summer is just hitting and temps are going to rise a heap.

I have a small cpu computer fan blowing onto the seedlings, its just enough air to give a slight movement. Hoping to strengthen them.

Because of the small area I plan on introducing C02 in about a week using one of the home made articles on this forum.

The one thing so far that I am still confused about is nutrients, so far I have sprinkled a pinch of blood & bone into each container (5, 2.5, 1) I'm hoping because it is organic and the soil has nothing that it won't hurt them.

I will be picking up a Ph kit in the next couple of days, not sure if I should go water or soil tester yet.

I have a small burn on one of the leaves from having the light too that is line 1 on my fuck ups list.

Today is Day 9 starting from the point of germination.

Comments, Critiques & Questions welcome :mrgreen:


A little worried this morning, I brought the girls outside today because the room is sitting in the thirty degree range and I'm finding it hard to keep it lower.

I also noticed that the leaves are a lighter colour of green than I would have thought healthy, sorry for the crap pictures but this camera does not focus well on such a small thing.

two of them have badly damaged tips on the lower leaves, not sure what this is from? Could it be from the blood & bone?


Brief Pause while I try to fix my mistakes, all but one of the original seedlings are looking terrible. To that end I have started germinating another batch of seeds.

I have also purchased a bag of Yates seedling soil and a bag of perlite, along with three more globes and some other bits and pieces to setup the first light rig.
Yea the original soil was a no name from Bunnings, it is very chunky. I have already dragged the bag out the back and will just use it on decorative indoor plants instead.
I heard the Yates seedling soil is very good :)

Should have some pictures of the new setup soon.
New seeds popped and placed into the soil last night, went with eight total as I'm hoping for at least four females.

New soil looks a lot nicer than the old crap, its a much darker colour and finer. I mixed up 50/50 Seedling soil and Perlite and I also picked up some new degradable cardboard containers.

The first light rig is almost finished, I just need a little more cable so I can run all three sockets from one extension cord.

Temps outside are getting into the thirties during the days and things look to only get hotter. Not sure how the girls will handle the heat? I have a new ventilation system designed, just need to get some more wood for mounting.

The original idea was computer fans, but now I'm thinking of switching to A/C fans. I have a 120mm and a 160mm, I thought they may be a little strong for such a small area but with this heat I think they will be needed.

Fingers crossed for this time around :)


Got out the jigsaw and mounted a new wall over the front half of the room. The exhaust fan is AC 160mm, it pushes a shit load of air out, I'm thinking an intake fan is not needed (plus this thing is loud enough on its own.)

I want to check Jaycar tomorrow and see if there is a way I can slow the fan down a little (tried a light dimmer switch but it made a buzzing noise)

I need to grab some cheap sealant, the board is chipboard and I'm iffy about the moisture getting to it.

