First Grow CFL Shed

Some buds.....great.!!!! Nice. Check the pot weight, heavy no water needed light~water needed, a quick check method, and yes agreed snip the yellow that has taken over 50% of the entire leaf...its no longer helping it out... Just suking it dry, and dieing. But othier than that... Phuking nice.,...db.~tlb! :)
just a quick update

just have one pic in a bit of a hurry

they all look good i think they got A LITTLE burned becuase last time i used full strength with the nutes , but they arent that bad, i just watered them with plain water this time




i was wondering.....

since i started all this at the begginning of april....

miracle grow says it feeds plants up to 3 MONTHS well theyve been in it about a little over 3 MONTHS.... so does it not feed anymore, should i continue with the nutes?
Looking good....dam there is bud's in that cucumber plant holy crap.!!! Phucken awsome bc.~! Whats yur temps, it looks more light burn than nutes. To me.!!! The curling up, on top and im not realy seeing any tipping... Nice mister. Very!!! Big smile here. I can see db.~tlb! :)
Looking good....dam there is bud's in that cucumber plant holy crap.!!! Phucken awsome bc.~! Whats yur temps, it looks more light burn than nutes. To me.!!! The curling up, on top and im not realy seeing any tipping... Nice mister. Very!!! Big smile here. I can see db.~tlb! :)

yep - those leaves are pointing right at the problem - the lights! just like over watered leaves droop down and point to the water source as the problem.
i was wondering.....

since i started all this at the begginning of april....

miracle grow says it feeds plants up to 3 MONTHS well theyve been in it about a little over 3 MONTHS.... so does it not feed anymore, should i continue with the nutes?

continue with nutes. i made the mistake of thinking MG had enough nutes to last. MJ is a hungry beast feed her.
damn the temps arnt bad they go from bout 70-85 tops but thats at the base i guess should move my light up then????!!!!!!?!

i think imma add nutes every other watering?? that sound good?????
The nute~ing sounds good.... But' ive never used the mg. So maybe a trip to mrs. Mcg. And da bunny for an mg.' know how post~up! She is real good with the old mg.' db.~tlb! :)

??? How close is yur light ???
I check mine with my hand sometimes to check the radiant heat... Set yur hand just above the top and hold it there, if u start feeling a burn its too close. Let yur hand sit there a bit for a good check. Jmt's db.~tlb!:)
ya thats what i did, thanks for everyones help btw

Well some leaves have yellowed after i watered them with just plain water yesterday, i think im going to just stick with 1/2 nutes every watering, that seemed to have the best results
i used the hand thing and found i need to rely on a thermometer (apparently my hand is insensitive to heat... unlike my plants).
i used the hand thing and found i need to rely on a thermometer (apparently my hand is insensitive to heat... unlike my plants).

i found that even if lights are not hot enough to burn your hand in a few seconds that they can be hot enough to burn over time i.e. 12+ hours. my hand never hurt by the bulbs but the girls did.
Ok my bad...i forgot i was running a 1000w, it does slip the mind,,,ok that was a lie... I smoke those memories gone.!!! Lol db.~tlb! :)