First Grow, CFL Stealth, Purps/Strawberry


Well-Known Member
One of my CFLS is breaking on me...damn thing just started to come loose from its base one day so now i have to fiddle fuck around with it daily to make sure its not putting more strain on it.
Trying a new nute today, which may sound dumb considering the burn i discussed earlier but this is just a one day deal for a while. Its suppose to be getting my little babies ready for flowering.
Im also trying to spur their vertical growth by switching them to the 18/6 cycle. get them a little taller before they have to start their budding. Its working two, only been two days and i can deffinetly see a reach in hieght.

Also i think i might have planted the germs a little bit deeper than needed. all my nodes appeared close to the ground, and even now there are leafs that dont make it off the ground. Will this be harmful to my plants at all?
For the first part, since ur gonna need em any ways for the time ur gonna let them veg still get some more lights and increase the distance between the lights and the plants canopy to increase height without depriving them of light.

And for the second thats actually REALLY good. Most of the lower leafing die off later on anyhow, and u can always prune it. Low to the ground however is what u want. Makes for a healthier, bushier plant. Which is great for when it flowers since most of the branches widen out a bit during this time anyhow. If you want any parts of the branches that are in or laying in the dirt u can cut them off with no harm done to the plant, allowing it to redirect more of the needed energy to growing areas.


Well-Known Member
ballin man, yeah I fixed my CFL with some super glue and now its just the pain in the ass of changing height every day. But no pain no gain. As for being so close to the ground I can see the difference in how thick the stems are, there little bushes right now; but i did do something to them to help them bit...will update next need pics


Well-Known Member
So I fixed the CFL, good news there. Also did a little reconstruction to the pots. I took some of the dirt out of them so it showed more of the stems because nearly all the leafs on H1 have been drooped straight on soil. They are looking a LOT better now and i can deff tell that having that low in from the begining strengthened their stems. Everything is looking healthy and the introduction of the dark cycle has really stimulated growth, as well as the single application of terra bloom

Also figured i should post my nutes; Got all three FoxFarm liquid nutes, the blue bottle is terrabloom, the spray bottle and power aid bottle is dutch master liquid light, the two white bottles with green and blue are hydroguard and clearex, and the powders are single gallon mixers of FoxFarm open sesame, beasty bloom, and Cha Ching. These should set my plants up for some radical improvements through all stages.
Next on the wish list is Cal mag and a hydrometer. Good thing Christmas is coming up :mrgreen:

Finally I noticed H1 has been growing a little sideways so introduced some LST to her life. Just a single string to straighten her up, I cant afford to try and make her any more bushy than she already is.

Picture updates go: Nutes, H2, P1, H1,H1LST

Leave them some love




Well-Known Member
Hey man! Things look good! Good idea on removing a bit of soil, as this will not only give space between leafing and the soil, but will also increase the amount of CO2 getting to your roots. Great idea!

Can we get some side shots and maybe some stem shots of the plants too? :peace:

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
very nice looking. I think you mean a hygrometer, a temperature and humidity gauge. Relatively cheap as well.

Keep on Keepin on man.


Well-Known Member
robbie82: thanks man, i got the idea from a friend. Ide love to get some good side shots but my camera is shitty, im only using a digital so when i get to close it blurs everything on me. Will try to figure something out though, cause i want to show off those thick stems.

OB Chron: yeah yeah my spelling is bad...and i guess my sound interpretation cause thats how i thought it was pronounced ha.


Well-Known Member
ALL GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some how out of 3 germs/veg i pulled out 3 girls. Im batting a fucking thousand!!! So excited. I was watching the little hairs for a couple of days to make sure they werent just nodes forming but sure enough these things are the real deal, hairy and female.
Unfortunatly i couldnt get a shot with the camera ive got cause it wont get close enough while staying clear but the hairs havent grown any in the last 5 days so im pretty possative its not a node.

Other than that things are going well, my grow room is filling out nicely :blsmoke:. P1 which started as the runt is really taking a liking to the nutes and dark cycle (pics bellow), and she is flourishing. P1 and H2 are starting to catch up with H1 in height and nodes.
H1 is doing what it does best and is still growing steadily, not as fast as it was though, any thoughts? Maybe needs more water since its bigger than the others? It always seems like the water i give it just isnt enough.

Not a whole lot of pic update, hasnt been much change since 2 days ago. Just a couple pics of P1, and a couple of overheads of the room. Looking a lot greener :weed:.



Well-Known Member
Hmmmm those plants look a bit young to be sexing. Whats the light schedule there on? Sometimes new leafing takes a bit to develop and I see new leafing on the tops of your plants which kinda points to internodel leafing as well. If you have a digital camea, check to see if it has a setting that says "digital macro" this setting is for close up shots.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what happened, its as if a plauge hit H1 and H2. Before the holiday they were looking fine with no problems...but now that im back they look like they are getting worse and worse. They missed a watering schedule over the holiday which i thought might have been why they looked so sad but even after a couple waterings they arnt perking up. I thought it might have been the lack of water but P1 is just as happy and healthy as ever which i would have thought to be the last one to survive.
H1: droopy, leafs curling a little, not as bushy as above pictures, looks weak and fatigued.
H2: same but worse, many leaves color changed and slight shriveling, looking despondant.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
H1 sounds like underwatering, but usually after a watering they will perk up in a few hours. Some pics would really help though.


Well-Known Member
Everything was going so well, then they missed a couple days watering over thanksgiving while i was out of town...i figured it would just be like it not raining for a couple of days but i was wrong...All of them but P1 has caught what looks like a plauge. Even after i started the watering when i got back they dont seem to be getting any better.
Im getting real stressed out, growing along side your plants can have its hard times. I know that there is something wrong with them so there is something wrong with me...need some help bad.

Is it all my fault? Did those 2 days without water send them into shock? Why didnt it affect P1? What can I do to help them?

H1 and H2 most of all look bad. P1 is still doing great. Here are pictures of what has happened to my beautiful green room.
Pics go: P1, P1 (so nice), H2, H2, H1, H1, H1




Well-Known Member
They just got off a flush regiment of clearex about a week ago, and the nutes arnt even that strong compared to how old they are.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
leave the lights off and you will wake up to leaves stretching for the ceiling!!!tommorow morning


Well-Known Member
leave the lights off and you will wake up to leaves stretching for the ceiling!!!tommorow morning
I dont understand, why? Wont changing the light cycle stress them out? And is it alright to just...shut off the lights?


Well-Known Member
They just got off a flush regiment of clearex about a week ago, and the nutes arnt even that strong compared to how old they are.

for the one plant they were really HOT i never have to flush a plant till at least week 4 of flower

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
I dont understand, why? Wont changing the light cycle stress them out? And is it alright to just...shut off the lights?

i was saying for how stressed they look and you have tried alot i dont think it would be better to have lights on when you have lights off when your plants are stressed it almost like recovery in a hospital:mrgreen: