first grow CFL trainwreck

jim g

Not true at wanna keep the 42watt at least 4 inches away, any closer and your plants will pay the price. I got the same advice on my first cfl and i burn my plants... maybe the lower wattage bulbs can be within an inch or two but the 42watt bulbs get pretty hot

i would agree with spreading the lights around for penetration though, the majority of my lights were on the tops and the bottoms buds didnt get much light until my led showed up....
i appreciate the advise,i was checkin out your led/cfl grow.kick ass !!

jim g

the trainwreck will be done soon and my kush will be all alone with all 6 lights to itself,shes gonna be a thick bitch


Well-Known Member
lookin good. good work adding more lights, but any farther than 4 inches away and your really losing tons of lumens. There are factors that can effect the safety distance for bulbs, like room temp and humidity and ventilation. if your getting burns at 2 inches it may have to do with those factors. you should just test your bulbs to find the best distance, move them like half inch closer every day until you notice any slight sign of burn and then pull it back a half inch and thats your perfect distance. goal is to get them as close as possible without burning.

jim g

yeah i am gonna add a few more too when i have sum cash. i wish i went with 8 42's from the start.i usually go in everyday and get the lights in good close spots