First Grow - CFLs 2 Weeks old - Diagnosing Help/Suggestions


New Member
Hello all, I have recently started my first grow -
6 Blue Dream x Kryptonite OG clones.
1 Week in I have transplanted 5 of the clones to bigger 3 gallon mesh pots (supposed to give roots air)
The soil I am using is Espoma Organic soil mixed with a little coir
** When mixing the soil for the pots I put in 1 cup of the epsoma plant tone 5-3-3 All purpose plant food. Thinking that this would just give the plants an extra boost at start up. I was not aware of nute burn or nitrogen toxicity at that point. **
Was this me being over zealous and a newbie? Am I frying my plants slowly? As I read the label the plant tone is designed to slowly release so flushing my plants may not be the best bet?
I have given no nutes to the plants since transportation to bigger pots.
I care about my babies alot... Ask my girlfriend she has gotten jealous :mrgreen:. The bottom leaves on some plants are drying up and turning yellow as a whole. The upper leaves and lower leaves are showing frosted yellow tips and showing nute burn I believe.

-- I have flushed each girl once (1 day prior to pics) and am always sure to feed them PH 6 - 6.7 water.
Under 24 hour CFL lights (shown)
2 105 Watt 6500K
2 45 watt 5500K
2 26 watt 1700k (I am ordering one more 45 and one more 60 Watt Cfls later this week)
room has good ventilation fan and Humidity between 35 and 65 % . Temp 75 - 85
Is the discoloration of leaves normal?
Should I go get Black Gold All Organic Potting Soil or maybe pay more for FOX FARM soil. - Ditch the old soil and transplant the babies before they reach 3 weeks veg. Is this chill? [h=1]Or can I leave them to tough it out and use up the nutes?[/h]photo 3 (4).JPGphoto 2 (5).JPGphoto 4 (1).JPGphoto 1 (6).JPG
Plants have been topped/ some LST on some
Thanks! you guys rock :joint:


Let them ride it out nitrogen burn isn't the worst thing that can happen. Allow the soil to dry out completely before applying anymore water.


New Member
Thanks for the quick answer. One of them is showing signs of powering through and returning that sexy dark green color. I will post some more pics next week. Allowing the soil to dry out it extremely key. Thanks again jaybray


Well-Known Member
I think the thing you will need to focus on is not overdoing things. They are easier to kill with love than neglect :-)


New Member
@ sSinister your right. My bad its been a week and a half since I got them as clones. I just guessed - probably more like 3.5 weeks old? Is that a fair estimate


Active Member
From my admittedly limited experience, Espoma Organic is good soil. (I will keep using it because the price is right :) ) Some research before purchasing also confirmed this. I didn't have to feed the two autos I have growing until week 5 from seed.

I question mixing that much Plant Tone in with the soil. I believe the instructions are to top feed, but I don't use Espoma nutes. I'm hoping everything goes well and you have a successful grow. :)


New Member
Hey guys can I mix a little bit of my CLonex cloning hormone in with me water for tomorrows watering? I was thinking a couple tea spoons per gallon and soak the soil. Would that promote root growth? or does the hormone not work on roots only on stems? could this potentially hurt the plant?