First Grow - CFLs - Bagseed


Active Member
I started my first grow using some random bagseed my wife and I had collected. I'm using a Sterlite container (I'm going to switch to Rubbermaid soon because with the lights on it glows). The soil is MG Moisture control, I know it's not the best but I have very few options in town and I read that some people had success with it. For lighting I currently have 4 23w 1600 Lumen 6500k CFLs and I'll be adding more as needed.On Tuesday I planted 3 non germed seeds.

On Thursday I started germinating 3 more in a paper towel. Friday I got impatient with the seeds I planted and checked up on them. I couldn't find 2, but the one I did find had a little spot of white at the tip. Saturday night, 2 of the 3 seeds were showing a root and when I checked on the pots, the seed I did find had sprouted about an inch above the soil. Figuring that the other 2 seeds were duds I planted the 2 germinated seeds in their pots. This morning the sprout had some little tiny leaves on top of the round ones!

When I checked on the sprout tonight the leaves were a little bigger and slightly curled under. Is this normal at this stage? (see pic) I watered it last night and wet down the soil in the other pots before planting the germinated seeds. I shoved my finger in the dirt about 2 inches and the soil just barely feels damp. Should I water again or would that be too much? I'm probably being too paranoid about over/under watering.Comments and suggestions are welcome!




Well-Known Member
your over watering

let the soil get some what dry before watering REMEMBER plants that young dont need too much water


Well-Known Member
yo man im doin the same thing pretty much...growin out of my closet..bagseed...2 CFL's def gonna see how you do...maybe ill be able to learn a few things from ya lol good luck!


Active Member
Is that foil or Mylar?
Camping emergency blanket.
your over wateringlet the soil get some what dry before watering REMEMBER plants that young dont need too much water
Last night was the first time I watered since Tuesday and the top few inches of the soil felt kinda dry. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will look better tomorrow.

Hopefully the other 2 seeds sprout in another day or so.



Active Member
As much as I hate to do it, I'm going to repot. I just picked up a bag of perlite and a bag of plain old regular potting soil. I'm also going to put them in rockwool cubes. Here's hoping that I don't mess up my plants/seeds in the process. I'd rather mess up less than a week in than months in and I still have some more seeds if needed.



Active Member
I checked on the plants when I got home and was thrilled to see 2 new sprouts where there were none this morning. The leaves on the first sprout were still curled but there is new growth on top of them.

I replanted all 3 into the mixture of potting soil and perlite. I'm resisting the urge to water. The soil is still moist from when it came out of the bag.

Pics 1, 2, 3: Before repotting
Pics 4, 5, 6: The babies in their new homes



Active Member
I also think I'm going to cover the top of the soil with Hydroton that I got for when I do a hydro grow in the future. What do you think?


Active Member
And then there were two.

The smallest of the plants (pic 2 and 5 above) is gone. It had fallen over and was really really limp. Oh well, I bet it was male :)


Active Member
I looked in on the plants before I left for work this morning. The smaller plant isn't showing any changes in size at all. The leaves on the bigger plant are still a little curled, but they are coming out from the stem straight up instead of laying flat. Four more hours until I get home to check on them.


Active Member
When I got home I gave them about 8 oz of water each. A few hours later they look like they're perking up. The leaves on the bigger plant are starting to flatten out and the smaller plant's true leaves are opening up more. Looks like they'll survive :)


Active Member
Today's update and pics!

So it's been a week and a day since I planted the seed that grew into the bigger of the two plants. Tomorrow makes one week from when I started germinating the seed that is now the smaller plant.

The second set of leaves on the bigger plant are coming in nicely and the smaller plants 2nd set are just starting to peek out.

How do they look?




Active Member
I gave each plant about 8oz of water yesterday. That's about how much water it takes to cause a little runoff out the bottom. It's been 6 days since the larger plant sprouted and 4 days for the smaller. I rotate the pots about 1/4 turn everyday so they'll grow straighter. Tonight I raised the smaller plant a little closer to the light.

Some new pics taken tonight.



Active Member
Last night I started reading this thread (major props to Azgrow and the rest of the hempy gang) and I began germinating a couple more seeds so I can compare the growth between Hempy and soil. It seems like the smaller of my plants is kinda stunted. I haven't seen any noticeable change in it all over the past couple days. I'm going to try transplanting it into a hempy bucket tonight.

I'll post some more pics later after the transplant.



Well-Known Member
Transplant done. What do you think?

I think you are well on your way glad you found the collective, I always pull up a chair for a fellow hempy grower..... I am almost at my first harvest.. good luck and I wll be tuned in :blsmoke:


Active Member
Thanks for checking out my grow, BigD. Seeing the success you had going from an AG to Hempy is one of the reasons I decided to give it a shot. You're plant 6 days after transplanting is a lot bigger than the first plant I had sprout a week ago. I just checked on my plants and so far the one I transferred to hempy seems to have taken to fine. I can't wait until tomorrow to see how well it's doing.



Well-Known Member
Are you PHing your water bro? If not, I suggest you start doing that. You can get a kit from Wal-Mart of Home Depot for like 5 bucks or something. A bottle of PH down will cost about 5 bucks at the pet store.

6.2-6.5 should be ok for soil.


Active Member
Looking at the future I was planning on building a bubble cloner. I already have a big airstone and pump for it from when I was building an aero setup. Then I remembered that I have an AG coming in next week (took them almost 2 weeks to ship the thing). I'm going to use the AG for cloning, provided my wife isn't growing tomatoes in it by then.

I think I'll go finish off my wife's blunt that she left behind :)
