First Grow - CFLs - Bagseed


Active Member
I went ahead and popped 3 seeds into the AG last night. Not sure yet what I'm going to do with them. I'll either veg them for a few weeks and transplant or just try flowering with it. Both seeds in the rockwool are now sprouted, one is standing up nice, but the other was laying horizontal this morning. I'm having weird heat issues. I check the temp and it can be 77 F and a couple hours later up to the high 80s. When I get home from work this evening I'll have a couple hours to try and rig up another tote, hopefully with better ventilation and airflow. The tote is already lined with an emergency blanket.

Right now I'm just experimenting with different things to try and find the method that's going to work for me. My wife's friend gave us a bunch of bagseeds she had so I have plenty to use for my trial and error phase. I honestly think everyone's first grow should be with freebie bag seed so you don't blow about $50 screwing up with good seeds.



Well-Known Member
just keep messnig around with your fans, maybe try using a couple of pc fans for exhaust, I think as long as you are like 87 degress or less you are ok, but I am not 100% positive on that number. Just dont give up being a noob sucks but keep trying you will harvest.....


Active Member
My first attempt at growing is done. My soil plant's leaves are dieing from the bottom of the plant up. The first set of leaves (not the seedling leaves) turned brown and died and the second set is starting to do the same. The 2 plants I have in the hempy buckets aren't doing well either. One's leaves are curling under and on both, the seedling leaves are turning brown. To top it off, my aerogarden is busted. One of the pod locations doesn't have any water running to it. I'm going to give it up for now. Maybe I'll try again sometime.-InXanity


Well-Known Member
dont give up brother, read thru my journal I killed alot of seedlings before I go it right... figre out what went wrong.... start over, and focus on 1 type of grow, doesnt matter which type, I have tried everything you did, the soil in a grow box, an AG, and finally hempy buckets.... if you just got your ph under control the problem could have been too far gone for you to fix in plants that were that young, combined with the temp problems you had, they didnt have much of a chance, get up brush yourself off and try again


Active Member
Over the weekend I'm going to get rid of the plants and get set up for another shot. I'm going to do away with the growbox for now and just grow on the art desk in the closet. The window in the closet doesn't open so there's no ventilation other than cracking the door and having a fan blowing into it. When I'm ready to flower I'll have to come up with something.-InXanity


Active Member
I figured out the problem with the AG. The reason that one of the pods wasn't getting water was because the desk I had it on is slightly tilted. This was making it so that water wasn't making it to one corner. I'm thinking that I'll start the seeds in the AG and then transplant them into Hempy Buckets. This way I won't have to play with rockwool at all.-InXanity


Well-Known Member
or you could just germinate the seeds, and plant them directly in the HB's... that way there is no need to run the AG


Active Member
I thought about just going directly to the HBs but I planted 6 seeds in the AG on Saturday. I just took a look at them, 4 of the 6 are sprouted. One came up nicely, the other 3 I had to play with a bit. The seed casings seemed to be making them get stuck trying to push up out of the styrofoam. I took the seed casings off and moved them up in the pod so the leaves were in the light. The stems are a little curved, but I think they'll straighten out. I'm going to let them go for a week or so before I move them to HBs. I'll try to get new pics of the closet and newborns soon.



Active Member
It's been almost a month since my last update. I currently have 2 plants left from the 4 that sprouted and it's been about 3 weeks since I put them in HBs. One plant is a little smaller than the other having one less set of leaves. Both plants are showing some nice new growth at the nodes. I would've hoped they'd be a little bigger at this point but I think their growth was stunted early on due to some issues. The first major issue was heat, a week after the transplant I didn't think they were going to make it, but I put a small fan blowing on them and it helped out a lot. They also went through some heat stress last week since we had some unseasonably hot weather the day after I went from 2 CFLs to 4. The closet got up to a little over 90 degrees and even leaving the door open with a fan blowing into it didn't help much. Sunday will mark the start of week 3 of nutes. I'm using the FoxFarm 3 part liquids. The first week I mixed it up light using about 1/4 tsp of GrowBig into just over a half gallon of water. Once that was gone I mixed it up to full strength and used a small amount of Big Bloom, less than what the feeding schedule calls for. I've got about a 1/2 gallon left of water with nutes right now, once that's gone I'm going to up the strength to the week 3 or 4 recommendations on the feeding chart. I'm thinking I should use some plain water for the next couple waterings to flush out the plants a bit before I go up in strength. I'm watering about every other day right now.

Through trial and error I got a system down. I've been using the old tote growbox lid that has the fan in the top to prop the door open, the fan helps a little with exhaust, plus the lid keeps my damn cats from getting into the closet.

I heading to Lowe's tonight to buy a 3 socket bathroom light fixture and some more bulbs. I'm going to replace the cheap cardboard hood I made that has the power strip holding the plug in light sockets. I think the hood is holding in too much heat.

Tonight I'm going to start germinating a few more seeds. Now that I think I've solved my initial problems, I want to get at least one more growing to see if the growth rate will be increased since I have a better idea of what I'm doing.

I'll get some new pics up tonight to show the plants and the new lights.



Active Member
No pics yet but they've had some explosive growth almost overnight! I finished off the gallon of water with nutes I had. Tomorrow I'm going to increase the strength some more. Depending on how they look in a week I'm going to switch them to 12/12 and start flowering. I'm praying that at least one of the 2 turns out to be a female. I'm brainstorming a way to set up my closet so if I get a lady I can clone it and turn the clone into a mom.



Active Member
I'll be putting some more pics up tonight. Since the last pictures a week ago the plants have practically doubled in size. I've raised the lights for the 3rd time since Saturday this morning. Today also marks Day 1 of 12. My light schedule was off at around midnight and back on at 6AM (give or take because the timer isn't set to the exact time). This morning they came on at 9AM and they'll go off at 9PM tonight.


Active Member
Finally some new pics. My digital camera died so I took them with my new cell phone.

I put them into 12/12 on Friday night, although Saturday the lights stayed on longer than I wanted, my wife works overnights and got up late so I couldn't get into the closet long enough before the lights went out to do what I wanted. I took 2 clones off of each one, my first attempt at cloning and I'm not sure if they're going to make it. (Dammit, forgot to take pictures of them.) The plants are growing great. I've had to raise the lights everyday. Overnight, one of them grew into a light and burned a leaf. No signs of sex yet, but I don't expect to see any for another week or so. I'm convinced I have 2 different strains. One plant has fat leaves and the other is narrow. New leaf growth on the narrow leaf plant start off really wispy with curly ends.

Now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing, I LOVE HEMPY BUCKETS!

Now the pics.1, 2, & 3 - Fat leaf plant4, 5 - Narrow leaf plant.

