First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Well-Known Member
About your yield question-
Its hard to answer without how many lights you have, how much vertical grow space
Are you gonna Top, pinch, LST, SCROG??
How big are your pots??

Tomorrow I will have 6 lights total--(2) 100w(26acc) soft whites(1200Lumens)
Then (2) 150w(42acc) 2700 spectrum with 2800 lumens.

About 3.5 Feet of vert. grow space maybe 3.75.

I will probly top all three just dont know anything about it. I dunno how eaither,do you? : P

I have 8 inch pots for all three of them (like a gallon pot i guess)

No nutes. I just want to see how they go with just water, all natural.

Whatcha think? And Im not looking for anthing exact, I mean is it possible for a 3ft tall plant to only give a half Oz of dry yeild at a Minimum? I don think Ill be getting more than a half Oz per plant,I wouldint think?

Thanks for stopping by CG! : ) Your always welcome here!



Well-Known Member
Yo! Scrava Thanks for Subing! What do you think of the grow so far?

Do you have any growing exp? Do you have a grow going now?



Well-Known Member
I know right! I like the display pic!

There growing up fast, only 5.5 more weeks till harvest : )



Well-Known Member
YO! I just wanted to quick update to everyone! I just got back from Lowes...I bought two more 150w 2700K's 2,600 Lumens : )

That takes the light count to 6 bulbs! I have (4) 150watt CFL's (42equ.) 2700K Spectrum 2600K lumens & (2) 100Watt (26equ) 1700K? spectrum 1200K lumens.

Pretty good but I want 2 more 150w's to complete the grow with. 2 Of them is only 20$ so Ill be getting the others soon! : )

Pics to come later on tonight!


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
To top all you do is get sterile scizzors and cut the plant at last node it made... Once it comes time just ask how to and ill post some pics for you!
3 plants with no nutes and 3.5 ft vertical wll probably yiield a total of 3-5 oz. Im no expert but since you only have thAt much space it will not get as much bud...
For my 2 plants im HOPIING for 1-1.5oz just because i built my box before i knew how much space would need.,.
PS. in your reply you said you would have 6 lights but only names 4 of them. But for 3 plants 6 lights all over 100W(23) will be fine for now...


Well-Known Member
Wow! Thanks for the answer CG! If i could +rep you again I would,lol!

well they are already a few nodes big,think I should top now or how tall should the plant be?

Ya I currently have 4 150w(42), and 2 100wt(26) on them, Will be replacing the 100w's with two more 150w's soon : ) Ill have 6 total.

Is that 3-5Oz per plant!?!? or all together? : )


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Wow! Thanks for the answer CG! If i could +rep you again I would,lol!

well they are already a few nodes big,think I should top now or how tall should the plant be?

Ya I currently have 4 150w(42), and 2 100wt(26) on them, Will be replacing the 100w's with two more 150w's soon : ) Ill have 6 total.

Is that 3-5Oz per plant!?!? or all together? : )

Haha i wish it was per plant!! no probably 3-5 for 3 plants of that size...
let me go find old pics from when i topped ill post them up here


Well-Known Member
ahhh I see! So how tall/old/many nodes do I need before I top????? I Think I might top all my plants,or maybe just the 2 that I think might be Sativa and I know that breed is taller.

And you grew those that you topped to harvest,how much weight dry did you get outta it?

Eh didint get to the camera tonight before they went to sleep (midnight) so : /

Pics shall come tomorrow!

So me and my grow partner(Shh : P ) went all over town today. To like 50 freakin shops,hardware stores,wallyworld,lowes,florist shops, packaging places....No one has ever even heard of frickin MYLAR, WTF!?!? Stupid people I may order online, Im looking up prices now. Anyone in here ordered mylar online before,where if so? : P

Thanks for the reply CG!!! Youve been so much help, Hopefully youll stick around until harvest on my grow! : )


Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
About the mylar, you cant actually buy it in stored except you can go to $1 stopres and get wrapping paper that is shinny on the back, thats MYLARR!!
If you cant find any mylar wrapping paper justget those ballons and cut them open and the inside should be just plain mylar..
At wallyworld they sell like camping blankets or firblankets..i forget exactly what its called but thats also made of mylar and will work fine


Active Member
DAC stop worrying about the Mylar Bro, you have white walls in there. That is perfect. all the Medi Growers use white walls, and not Reflective Mylar. Go on youtube and look at URBANGROWER! he has TONS of medi grows on there, and i havent seen 1 room with mylar. just make sure you have a HOOD over your lights. i got a throw away flat pan, for 2$ and used that.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow! I didint even think about those damn blankets!!

Ill go get some tomorrow!

Im headed to check out your journal right now! : )



Well-Known Member
Ya I need to get a reflector on there!

I know about the metal pan for 2$ Look back on your post I was the one that thought of that : P hehe

Ill grab one of those while im at wally world tomorrow!

Thanks for droppin in TK! : )
