First grow.. Check it out


Well-Known Member
That's a nice looking girl, is it just one plant with 2 main cola ? How did you grow it (light, pot size)? I grew some papaya last year but they grew with more leaves, they were regular papaya from nirvana. I'll grow papaya again in October :)

Mr. Deisel

yeah it was topped early and only grew those two main colas and yes it should have much more leaves. When it was younger I made the noob mistake to trim almost ALL the leaves so that much buds could get more light. Should of shot myself in the foot but owell. I let it grow and it came out aight. Right before i took these pics i did trim it up a lil more to get a better look at the buds. It was covered again. the pot size is a 3 Gallon growbag and im using organic soil with the perlite and peat in it. i bought the plant from a friend and grew it myself from being small. Had a decent wal-mart fluorescent light on it till about week 3 or 4 of flowering then was able to get a 150W HPS and have had that on it since then. It smells amazing and I cant wait to taste her. also get her out of my closet haha. takes up so much damn room. Thanks for responding tho. +rep!


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can tell from the pics that it came out right indeed. Maybe is not a good idea to cut of the leaves but she looks real pretty on the pics.

Do you have a date to harvest ? Let us know how the grow goes! ;)

Mr. Deisel

Yeah i was ready to already but FDD said maybe give it like 10 more days and that was a few so prolly about by wednesday next week im gonna cut it down! Ive been looking into curing and I want to make sure to do it the best way possible because i want this to taste and look so damn good. Ill take pics of the harvest day and of the dried crop. Im guessing prolly only around 14g off of it.


Yes sirr when you get this dawg you should know who it is ur shit look better and better in every pic cant wait to toke hit me up. GET READY FOR A PARTY CUP GROW OFF HPS ONLY. KGA.

Mr. Deisel

Most definitely dude. We gonna do that grow off. im down. Hoping my next shit is even better than this first one. got pics coming up of the harvest. I think I guessed right on the weight of it all. gotta wait n see tho once its all the way dry


Man that shit looks better and better everytime i see it. update on my new seeds, 5 out of 15 sprouted, hopefully in two days they will all have sprouted. those three seeds i got off my short ryder have yet to open not lookn good for them.But i will let you get one seed for the party cup grow for a good price.

Mr. Deisel

hell yeah sounds good to me. My stuff is drying out wonderfully. seems like its smelling more dank everyday i let it hang. Soon imma switch it to the jar for curing. Smoked some today tho in a blunt mixed with regs and it was pretty good. ill bring some over to your crib when i come over next. You aint doin shit today


Well-Known Member
looks damn good ,

and also it looks like its gonna be good also ,

enjoy your first grow , +rep

Mr. Deisel

Damn good shit. All 15 gonna grow too man watch. Yo im about to head over aight. I got A rillo but lemme know if i should stop. text me


Sprout Update- 15 out of 15. Hopefully they all stay healthy.Bubba lookin bigger everyday. Blue lookn grizzly all she do is swell and crystalize.

Mr. Deisel

yeah hell. glad all them things came out of the dirt. glad my bubbas are looking better after lookin shitty for a few days. hope they start to flower soon. cant wait for the party cup grow.


All sprouts lookn good I measured the blue and she is 3 ft 9 in tall and the bubba measure 3 ft tall and a 3 ft by 2 ft wide with fan leaves as big as my hands cant wait for it to nug up.