first grow check pics i need pointers/tips please!


I have a nice setup with about 6 plants under a 600w HPS in a plastic sealed room. I have 8 100w or something like that flourescents attached to the plants pots for extra lighting. My ventilation consists of a fan pushing warm stale air out the top and the door i have cut for myself to enter the room through is enough to bring nicer new air in from a window i have opened in the larger room where the plastic grow room is in. I am looking for any pointers for improvement or any essential things i am missing. I was told the flourescents are pointless down on the bottom but also heard otherwise from someone else. I could use a few more vets opinions. Thanks for the help everyone. Check my pics....



hey whats up im a first time grower myself, they look healthier than my plant, just make sure when the time comes to get those males outta there if there are any, but you wont have to worry about that till later, what type of soil you using? ( just curious)
but uh they look good to me, keep up the good work
They look a little stretched, drop that 600 down to about 18 to 24 inches above the plants, if your ventilations good they'll be fine. If you can afford it get a metal halide bulb for that light during veg. Your probably not going to get alot of benefit out of those cfl's the way they're mounted, other than a higher electricity bill.


that kernal ingus dude doesnt kno whats up at all. its definitely very benificial to have the cfls in the position you had em in that picture. its letting out way more lumens then just the hps light running by itself.....adding a good 100 extra watts of light per bulb to the shaded parts of the plant (such as the underside and bottoms) that the hps just cannont reach. GAME RECOGNIZE GAME CUZ