First grow. Cheese and skunk. In Soil.



I'm a first time grower. Tried starting with feminized seeds which went horribly wrong right off the bat. Told later by the guy i got them from that they were on the shelf a bit long and weren't in ideal condition. He gave me a lot of seeds he collected as compensation.

So after the first fail i didn't expect much. Planted what he gave me in a few pots as well as a skunk seed (though hard to say as he just had a bunch in various unmarked bags). The seeds i got from that seller, were according to him all cheese.

It's been a month and i got a horrible surprise. i expected maybe 10 seeds to pop. 36!! ended up sprouting. don't have enough containers and so some of them share. the skunk came up just under a week before the others. This week another 4 sprouted from i don't know where, since i had to do some major re-potting to give every one some space.

I am mostly battling with being patient a life long struggle. Ended up burning 6 recently. They're still alive but not looking well. That's why i thought i'd start a grow journal can't exactly ask around and the help would be greatly appreciated.

Will send specs and pics later today.

(intro concluded)


All these plants make me nervous. Can't bring myself to kill any of them off until i know the sex.Then i'd like to do cuttings and go indoor hydro.


Like i said earlier, they were all in various pots to begin with. I had to replant. the mediums in some are anyones guess. The 10 i created is a 50/50 mixture of compost and potting soil with about a half cup of 4:2:3. They seem happy enough with it.

This week i put them under mosquito netting, webs kept appearing on them. I get about 8 -9 hours direct sunlight on them a day. but sunrise to set is about 13hrs.

i mixed a few grains of the 4:2:3 with a bit of water and fed 3 pots that have 2 plants each. well one of the has 3 plants in it. they started burning the next day. I tried to flush the soil but it's not helping.


Is this growth slow for the 1st month??



Active Member
they looks quite very small for a month old, from what i have seen. its probably attributed to the tiny 9 hours of light its recieving, growing outside probably isn't great at this time of year, this is really when a plant is finishing its life outside.

if i were you i'd try an get some artifiial lights on those babies


Thought they were going a bit slow.

It's spring at the moment, the light will only get more. I am in "deepest darkest...." so the weather should be great. Just wish it could go faster. ...mmm I have a HPS 600w.

Can i bring them in just before sunset? would that do the trick?
Is it better to bring them in when the direct sunlight is about to end?
Is it a good idea to switch between sunlight and hps like that? (strictly indoors is out of the question for now. I couldn't handle the power bill.)

Thanks for the advice.


Active Member
ah right, spring time i see. well you know, in that case i'm guessing these will be growing all year so the slow grow doesn't matter right now, once the sunlight reaches over 16 hours a day they will be rocketing. if you have the climate with lots of sun it is best for them to be outdoors and grow naturally.

they will grow bigger, the more light they shall soak in the better.


I can't do slow. Slow is a big no. So back to the more light idea. You reckon it'll work to take them in and out every day?


Active Member
i'm sure it would boost growth yeah, just make sure the difference in temp of outside to in isn't a huge difference.


thanks. will start that today then. problem is i only have the one 600w. so for the little guys it might be enough. 30+ plants though. Will give it a go for a week or 2 and see how they grow.

so when would be the best time to bring them in? just before direct sunlight fades? or just before sunset?

The temp differs by 2 or 3 degrees *C. so should be okay.


Taking that advice. Here's a pic of the light and the room it's going in. also included is a pic of the skunk and a cheese. Most importantly those poor burnt seedlings.

Is there any hope for them?

right now it's just 2 of the precious little leaves they have.



Plants were placed indoors yesterday just before sunset, had light till midnight. 17hrs of light in all yesterday.
Woke up to overcast and rain, decided to leave them indoors for today.

Indoors i have two little tubs with a mixture of sugar water and yeast.
The sugar water has 1tsp of sugar, 1tsp of molasses, 1tsp of honey. topped with a tsp of yeast.

the yeast multiplied and is bubbling Co2 happily.
hopefully it will make up some of the growth time lost.

Temp- 25.5 and 26.6
Humidity- 75
Fans - intake fan on a timer 10min on 5 min off. out -constant

Burnt plants are getting worse....
Some slight yellowing noticed on other plants.



Active Member
the burnt plants probably didn't appreciate the nutrients you gave a while ago, even a few grains may affect some of them i guess. they will get better, if they are continually browning it probably means theres still too many nutrients in the soil and they're rooting out and eating it.


Plants were burnt with indoor setup. Light was too close. 2 days passed since that.

They're still green though close to yellow.

They are on a -out/indo 20/4 cycle at the moment.

Are they alive still or fried/ standing dead ?

Some which had more developed leaves seem to have recovered.
Nutri burned plants from earlier are showing no signs of recovery and are slowly getting worse.

Should i keep the damaged plants going since they are all very stunted in comparison to the healthier plants?

From the original 30+ cheese.
10 -nutri burn :fire:
12 - over exposed burn (light green stunted and small) :fire:
10 - healthy growth and color :leaf:

+1 skunk that is about a week ahead of the rest in growth.


So light cycle got stuffed last night. timer wasn't set properly and the plants got 24hrs. should be okay i hope.

light distance at a meter still seems too close. 600w MH sunmaster/ cool deluxe.

Plants are browning a lot.


Pictures! But if they look too far gone, it might be better to focus more time and energy on the healthy plants and make them as best as possible. I would suggest getting a light timer and pay close attention to when they need to go in/outside so they dont get stressed out, and only give them what they need. Good luck!


Thanks that might be the way. Focus on the 10 that are doing good. right. will try and get them healthy and then repot. sad about those other guys though.


It seems like they all have some sort of unharmed new growth forming. If thats the case, you could continue to take good care of them and once the new, healthy growth comes in just prune the old, dead leaves off. I find that eventually, the first few sets of leaves fall off once the plant matures anyways. Things might not be as bad as they seem, but I would monitor them for now..