First Grow Cream Caramel Auto, Super critical auto, rocklock (not auto), purple ryder

This is the farthes that i have ever gotten into a grow.
My first attempt was in a plastic storage container, but it was at my friends house and he let them die.
My next attempt was through just over 3 weeks of veg, and there was a transportation issue, and the plants had to be left to die.

This is my new box that i started. The rocklock and the cream caramel are 33 days old and the super critical is 30 days old today
The rocklock was topped early to produce four main colas in the future and 5 days ago, i topped these branches again. It is looking like i will have 8 main branches on this plant. It has also been fed through a screen and lstd outward for minimum height.
The cream caramel and the super critical started flowering 9 days ago and there are already several trichs. The cream caramel already has 15 budding sights while the super critical has 11.
The purple ryder turned out to be a male (which i was hoping for), and i am going to selectively polinate the smallest budding sights on the other three plants, and hopefully have some new strains in the future

For lighting, i am using 4 45 watt full spectrum cfls and I now have 2 23 watt soft white bulbs.
my internet is being shitty so i will upload more pictures tomorrow
the soil is ocean forest and i am using big bloom, tiger bloom, and i was using grow big
it has been on 12/12 for 3 days now
I removed hi from the box, so my girls are not overly polinated
There is not much of a change of the females from last night except that i trained them to go a little further horizontlly towards the rocklock to more effectively spread out the sunlight
I will have new pictures posted either tonight or tomorrow afternoon
So I allowed my purple ryder to sit in a cup of water and this morning there was just a cloud of pollen on the leaves, so i polinated two of the smallest budding sites and set the rest in the freezer for the rocklock polination in another few weeks.
Still planning on putting some photos up online today.


Active Member
Cool little scrog you got going on dude, keep it up! So your trying to harvest seeds huh, that's cool. you might want to get more "soft white" bulbs or something in the 2700k-3000k spectrum, that'll help with flowering.


Well-Known Member
DSC00853.jpglooks nice bro. Enjoy the Sweet Caramel, I've got one at six weeks right now. It is one of the better auto strains I've grown.
i actually switched out for a softwhite bulb today and i have a larger one i am getting ready to put in
Trying to find a decent camera right now to send pics with.
The super critical is starting to get crystals all over the leaves and it is only 33 days old. I think that it entered flowering before the cream caramel did so it is further ahead but in the end i dont think it will produce as much as the cream caramel
i dont have alot of experience with growing but i would like to know how soon from when i change the light cycle should i start to see trichs appear on the rocklock


Well-Known Member
If they're all autos leave the lights on at least 18 hours a day the whole time. I grow 4 autos at a time in my garden as this is a misdemeanor in my state. I've found employing side lighting encourages the plants to bush out and really aids the final yield. That caramel pictured above was grown using all leds, as are the rest of the autos in my garden. I keep my lights on 24 hours a day which I would not recommend if you're using cfls or hid as this could represent a fire hazard.


Well-Known Member
re read your earlier posts, didn't realize one wasn't an auto. That should be interesting. If you have room in your space let the autos grow to maturity, then start with the 12/12. I've did an auto batch 12/12 from seed a couple runs back and did not get what I usually get in terms of final yield compared to running 20 plus hours a day. Hard to tell without some better pics where the autos are and the photo period plant. If you can describe in detail I'll offer up my best advice based on my experience.


Well-Known Member
I chopped one of my autos last night, a tad pre-mature, but I was running low on my head stash. Will get about an oz off that one. The Caramel, probably about 50g dried. I have also have a Smurf Berry auto going that could top my personal best if she keeps bushing out like she is. Pics in the journal in my sig. All will be finished in the next 2-3 weeks.
I am trying something i figured was worth a shot. I put it into flowering just long enough to get some basic signs of flowering from the rocklock and i switched it to 15/9 so there is atleas a little bit of light and the rocklock starts flowering atleast slowly. So far the cream caramel has many more bud sites but the super critical has larger sites. The rocklock is just growing like a beast