First grow. Day 1 in soil. Blue mystic short plant.

Dont worry too much about light on your seedlings. Once you get to the 3rd or 4th set of leaves then bump it up. You want to be using 5500K - 6500K CFL's for veg growth. For one plant maybe two to four 23-27watt bulbs. Keep them CLOSE to your plants, like 2-3 inches away otherwise they will stretch and become thin.

Like people have said, get rid of the foil and just paint it FLAT white, or find some mylar film to line it with. Paint is simple and cheap though. Good luck brah

And dont worry about using miracle gro soil, its fine. It most likely wont produce as much as foxfarms, but if you do it right, youll still have smokeable buds.


2011-09-02 13.39.43.jpg2011-09-02 13.38.48.jpg2011-09-02 13.39.09.jpg
Okay so here new pictures. this is 6 days in now. something is definitely gone bad. I took off the foil, Added 2 more Clf's until i get the ones iefresh47 recommended. it didn't even pop out the ground so i looked for it and it was under the soil with 2 leafs popped and a little ass root that looks the same size as it was when i planted it. roots was pointed up and so was the leafs. i tried to fix it by bringing it the leafs up to the light. idk what to do with the root because i don't want to stress it by touching it and pointing it back towards the bottom. i just covered everything back up with the soil just till the tippy top of the leafs. please help me. i don't know what to do to fix this and i dont want to lose my baby. If anything i'm prepared to germ another if i cannot save her.


I'm not sure if this would work and would take on some other suggestions/advice on it just in case i'm wrong. My idea would be to take a toothpick and gently loosen and poke at the soil around/under the root so it falls back down into the soil (about .5-1inch down) yet maintaing the leaves above ground so it (the root) can be directed back further into the soil then lightly press some more soil onto that area.


i was thinking that too but i dont want to hurt her. i also changed the lighting real quick again. i put three cfl's about 3 to 4 inches directly above her.


fuck!! i went to go do that and she was starting to hold her ground! her root went down and was in the soil. it also became larger. fuck i hope i didn't stress her or fuck her up because of that FML!


Good look on the lighting! Please keep the updates coming on how shes doing, I hope the very best for your plant!
fuck!! i went to go do that and she was starting to hold her ground! her root went down and was in the soil. it also became larger. fuck i hope i didn't stress her or fuck her up because of that FML!
Yeah you probably just want to leave it alone for a few days and see what happens. Let nature take its course, she probably would have popped out of the soil eventually.

I know how it can be, you want everything to go smoothly so you shower it with too much attention. Patience grasshopper!


Well-Known Member
damn my cfls suck for some reason tho. im gonna have to get hps. ill update soon hopfully. by the way my baby still didnt sprout :(
I think in a 3 foot box that a HPS would create too much heat. You may be able to get away with a 150watt HPS with proper ventilation. I would got with T5's if the cfl's didnt work out.


she was a mutant i think lol i had to put her down but i got good news!!! about to make a new thread on second seed. its been 5 days and shes growing so fast!