First grow Day 38 How are things looking?


Active Member
Just wondering how my plants are getting along and as its my first grow i would like to hear what other think about the plants , thanks in advance

kierons phone 036.jpgkierons phone 037.jpgkierons phone 041.jpgkierons phone 040.jpgkierons phone 038.jpg


Active Member
hell yeah they look happy and healthy
going to turn 12/12/ soon? cuz they are going to shoot up like crazy for the first 2-3 weeks (keep giving them veg nutes till they slow down vertically)
they will probably double their size
just a friendly warning :)
keep up the good work

banks dank

Active Member
Looking good bro keep it up...what strain?

Imo i would Lst those sluts until the entire space is filled. Then fim all of them. Wait 2 weeks then flower.


Active Member
thanks for the reply guys , im thinking of vegging in 1 more week and the strain is BIG BUDDHA BLUE CHEESE , just one more thing as im new too this been thinking about lollipopping what do u guys think and when is the best time to lollipop if i was to go down that road? thanks again


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow you've got there for your first, you're doing things right, not sure abt lollipoping, never did, seems to me it limits the amt of yield you'll get, but that's just me, grow on my friend.


Active Member
Thanks guys its nice to hear other peoples views on my grow, and im unsure about the lollipop method also thats why i wanted to hear a little more about it thanks for the reply though .

Can anyone tell me when is the best time too lollipop my plants if i do choose this method in vegging ? flowering ? what week ? any info will be helpful , thanks KC


Active Member
From my research, you always want to plant alterations in veg and give it at least 5 days after major alterations for the plant to bounce back. You don't want to do these during flower or the plant will divide energy between recovery and bud development. As to when and best methods ...still learning myself :). Plants look great though@!


Active Member
I think u should clear out the lower foliage it seems to be yellowing abit .This could be lack of light or you may need to up your nutes. You'll find they'll use alot of nitrogen in early flower so if ur not at full strength nows the time. Saying that there's nothing wrong really and keeping it simple on your first grow is wise. Just watch the yellowing.


Active Member
HI district thanks for the reply i was just about too post some new pictures of a few leaves that i have noticed yellowing on as i was wondering what it could be they aint really had much nutes atm ive pretty much stuck to plain water i think they have only had 2 feeds with nutes what would u recommend when feeding nutes? is there a certain way like 1 nute feed 1 water feed then keep repeating any help is much appriciated as of the pictures ill post them now for u guys , thanks again


Active Member
No probs. On my first grow I would nute feed nute feed water. They're ready for full strength nutes now saying that i was very careful with dosage on my grow. Im using the same soil and nutes this time round 'Biobizz allmix veg and bloom' and this time I'm at full strength and they're doing good. Good tip is too water a little then wait 45-60 mins before before your main watering with nutes. It helps the plants take nutes up quicker. Funnily enough I just flipped and mine are the same age as urs to the day I think.