First Grow! Deisel, L.S.D, Haze, Special


Active Member
Easy all!
First hopefully sucessful grow, and first post!

So hi everyone, i'm Dooda, from London.
Grew my first plant last year at the completely wrong time so the plant ended up slowly giving up due to lack of sunshine so it got chopped early.
My latest one started 4 weeks ago more or less, windowsill grow and then out to the garden. Plants got about 25 cm tall, nicely growing amongst some flowers, until a stupid house mate decided to cut away the slowers, accidently taking out the plants with it!

So this brings me to last thursday, 01/07/10.
I hatched a little plan to fast grow the plants to adequete size under a CFL 24hrs/7 for 3 weeks, then over the 4th week, adjust the light slowly to the same hours as there is outside, then transplant them to the garden in time to have all the summer sunshine!

Here some info on what im using.

Deisel Automatic - (lowryder) Fem
L.S.D - (barneys farm) Fem
Haze - (sensi)
Special - (Secret straign being developed for the last 15 years in London)

Envirogrow CFL 150w
KiloMix soil

First growing in little 9cm card board pots, then once plants grow big enough, transplant to very big pots.

2 seeds have been vegging for 6 days now, LSD is about 5cm tall, whilst the deisel is maybe 3cm and is very short and stocky.
The Haze and Special seed are about 3 days behind.

So far i have only been feeding the plants water, as the soil has all the ferts the plant needs for another 4 weeks, but if someone wants to convince me otherwise to use some kind of pick me up i wouldnt say no.

I do have a few questions though!

The CFL is currently suspended around 25-30cm from the tips of the plants, is this too far or too close for a 150w? I was very worried about burning the plants..

How often should i water? I currently water each pot roughly the same drizzle of water, every morning and every evening, enough to moisten the soil nicely.
When i get home from work to do the evening water, the soil sends to be quite dry on the top(light too close?)

This is a casual grow, not looking for massive yeilds or fat buds. What i get is what i get.
I will however once i finish this grow, build a proper grow box for the winter, so stay tuned for more projects later on in the year.

Pics will be up once i figure out why its not letting me upload them!

Peace out!:blsmoke:


Active Member
Can't wait to see how the l.s.d. turns out, im thinking about getting some from barney too:eyesmoke:


Active Member

Ladies and gentlemen, im in business!
Today is +12 days since germination!
Things are looking good and healthy, onto 3rd and 4th nodes.
Still havent used any nutrients on them, just the soil and tap water.

Finally found a hosting site to host my pictures!
Im starting to see this as a little hobby/project, as its so amazing to watch grow and develop.

So, here is a little time line for you all up until now..

Day 1
2 seeds, Deisel(left) & LSD (right) had popped there heads out and were potted at around 22hrs. At 07hrs the two remaining seeds popped their heads, being a Thai haze and Special mother seed i got from the guy i bought my light from.

Day 04
All 4 shot up like rockets reaching for the light, i was surprised myself!
From left to right, Deisel, LSD, Thai Haze, Special
And ofcourse, what my ghetto set up looks like! :)

Day 09
Plants are still growing, faster then i can keep track with my eye!
I will deffinatelly be using this soil for my winter grow! Or who knows, maybe i will grow another as soon as i move these 4 babies outside? :P Stay tuned!

Once again, from left to right. Deisel, LSD, Thai Haze, Special.

Right, so at this point, i hit some family problems which forces me to leave the country for 3 days.
I left the plants in charge of my cousin who was staying for the summer holidays.
I told him to water once in the morning and once at night.

So, i went to Poland, baked in the sun for a bit, bought shit loads of cigarettes, booze, home made jerkey, a BUKKET bong, a glass pipe, 10g of chronic, and all that got confiscated at the border was a set of allen keys for undoing bolts. Oh well, i got away with all the other stuff!

So i land Yesterday, and this is what i come home to! :D

Day 11
My oh my, i was so shocked to see how much they had grown in 2 days!!
Onto their 3rd nodes at this point!

Left to Right, Deisel, LSD, Thai Haze, Special..

Day 12 (Today)
9pm, and my have the plants grown so much in 22 hours!

I think you can all tell which one is which, but for those who dont know;
From right to left this time! ;)

Bottom right, clockwise...

So, final pictures of the day!

Lights have been on 24/7 for 12 days.
The 150w CFL is approx 4-5 inches away from the highest leabes.
Today i have set the timer to switch the light off for 1 hour, giving the plants 23 hours of light, and then i will slowly decrease 1 hour a day until i get down to 18 hours.

Dont forget i am going to be moving these plants outside within the next 2-3 weeks, so should i keep the light on 24/7, or should i decrease to 18hrs?

So, i hope you have all enjoyed reading through this, and seeing how much my babies have grown!
Any help, tips, advice, please let me know! I always love to hear of other peoples methods!

Peace out!



Well-Known Member
looking really nice m8 good job so far, still along way to grow tho.

your ''special'' whatcha think it is exodus/uk cheese?


Active Member
Not sure really!
All he said was that i will be very surprised and really enjoy it! haha. I would be happy with anything!
To be honest i was thinking about topping it.

Does the Deisel look stunted or is it just the autoflower nature for it to grow short and stocky with the nodes being very tight together?


Active Member
Are the pictures taking a while to appear?

Just something i have noticed just now. The first baby leaves have started to turn a yellow tint, and also the first leaf itself is a lighter shade of green. This is true for all 4 plans. Is something wrong?


Active Member
Ok, heres an update with some pictures of the babies.
In descending order, Deisel, LSD, Thai Haze, Special.
You can see all 4 have their baby leaves and first leaves turn a yellow colour, not sure why, so would appreciate it if someone can help me out here! :)

What do you all reckon? All seems fine?
150w 4inches from top, KiloMix and nothing but water twice a day...

Thanks in advance,


Active Member
haha nice man, there doing good but you might want to watch the watering twice a day because that might be too much, and if you over water they will start looking droopy. but other then that they look good:joint:


Active Member
So, what should I do? I just got home now, and the leaves seem a little more yellow! Do you reckon a cap full of watered down MiracleGro will help it out? That is all I have to hand right now!


Peace! :)


Well-Known Member
their about to be outgrowing that pot.

i think your ready for nutes, not just N. they look hungry. they will get N from the veg nutes.

introduce them to veg nutes at 1/4 strenth the reccomended feeding.


Well-Known Member
is the miracle grow 24:8:16? if so then make a solution of 1/4 dose and then add 10% water to that to water it down even more. PH the water. if you dont have the ph up and down ....and your using hard tap water ....then just use household products to bring it down a touch. you can google it. but your tap water (if its like mine) should come in pretty high. if your watering them now with that crap i mean tap water then it may be the problem.


Active Member
Tomorrow I'm going to buy some bigger pots, I was thinking 10inch or 15inch pots. Still using kilomix. And it's this miraclegro pour and feed. I gave them a cap full each as per instructions.
What nutes would you recommend from a uk online shop?

Also I have some collected rain water in a drum I could has microscopic bugs floating in it though, can I use it?

Thank you for your advice and help, it is greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
i wouldnt use that rain water at all. if you dont have ph and ppm meters your gonna be lost in a field of nightmares. i just started with cns17 grow, bloom, ripe. $10.95 each and some good stuff so far.


Well-Known Member
your lsd has very very wide leaves. mine arent like that at all. mine look like your diesel. hope u didnt mix em up LOL