First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)


Well-Known Member
no matter how much i keep coming back your main pic makes me smile!! one of the best looking buds ive seen on here in grow.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Haha thanks man. I really wish I had kept a male for breeding but I wasn't expecting anything like this. I would take clones but idk what I would do with them until this crop finishes. I have read that you can wrap cutting in a damp towel and store them in the fridge for up to 3 weeks and they will still root. Does anyone have any experience with storing clones or any suggestions for me at all? Damn I wish I had some pollen.


New Member
That's what lead me to in essence a perpetual grow. Problem is you have to have two grow areas for veg and flower. I use 2 - BP systems and just swap them bewteen light cycles. I can keep the clones close by me. It's almost like having a baby around al the time. Exhausting but worth it!


Well-Known Member
i have no clue on that.. but i wish you had some pollen also!! i cant wait to see it cured its gona be pretty.. even if i wasnt a pot head i would just love to grow to see the diff strains. smoking is just a token of what you have done!! never grown before now but i know free cali style bud is gona be the shit though. and what you got right now is what id like to have in a mason jar full!!

i have a lavender and a clone in a 3gal bucket dwc and im hoping lavender is gona be like the pic on attitude.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I mentioned the browning of the leaves when I posted pics yesterday, but now it's even worse and the other little girl is showing it also. I'm almost positive it's from low pH because last week it got down to 4.5 but it has been stable at 6.2 since then. Shouldn't the nute lockout have stopped by now? Please look at pics and help me fix this.



Active Member
For me that looks like maybe nute burn?
You could try a little less nutes and see if that helps?
That's just a guess though.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Ok thanks guys. I will start running clean water tonight when the lights come back on. Will the nute burn ever go away or is it permanent? Also, does nute burn affect the buds at all?


New Member
The leaves don't heal themself but I've had nute burned leaves hang on for the entire grow. They grow out of it and become the underbrush. It's a weed with a strong desire to grow. If I ever have a plant without nute burn it would be the first. LOL!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
LOL! I was kinda expecting some problems before the end because everything has gone smoothly up until now. Everyone makes mistakes right? I might as well get my experience now since it is my first grow. It really is a pain in the ass to grow different strains in the same system because they have different requirements. Again, thanks for all your help!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Oh I have another quick question. I have heard both sides but I want to see what your opinion is. Should I pH the water while I flush, or is this unnecessary because there are no nutes?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Okay so I emptied the res, rinsed the roots, and replaced with plain water pH at 5.8. How long should I flush for? Also, spiders are not a problem right? I have noticed little trails all over the place but there is no damage so I assume they are not bad, and possibly even a good thing cause they get rid of other bugs. What do you guys think?


New Member
Lots of debate on flush or no flush. I think it helps but have always flushed so I don't have a comparison. I can smoke my buds when just dried and they aren't all that harsh but I wouldn't recommend it since they will be much better 40 days later. I flush on the last scheduled res change before the cut date and it works out. If you use high nutes I say a week max and if you use SH nutes it may not be needed at all. The purpose of the flush is to get the plant to uses it's stored chemical resouces to survive. If you flush till the leaves start to turn yellow you're there but always go by trich development.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Haha thanks for that info it definitely helped but, I was actually asking how long I should flush now in order to recover from the nute burn LOL. I'm not quite at the last res change yet. Maybe 2-3 more weeks.


New Member
2 maybe 3 days at most. They are still drinking, right? Keep in mind that the leaves will show all kinds of funky spots toward the end of flower.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Today is the 6 week mark since switching to 12/12. While there is not much to update in bud size, I do have BIG news. A couple days ago I noticed that a few of the lower bud sites on my smallest girl looked way too plump for their age (Pic 1) so today I did a thorough investigation. As expected, I found just a handful of male flowers directly above them (Pic 2). This is good news and bad news. The bad part is that now my small girl is gonna have seeds. The good part is that it seems to be confined, and now I have pollen to breed my red strain! All in all, I am actually happy about the hermie. I am still giving the girls just plain water until tomorrow night to flush out the nute buildup and they are still drinking a lot. Check out the pics and let me know what you think.

