First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)


New Member
Yeah I'm worried but there's not really anything I can do about it. At least I will be finished this grow in a couple weeks and I guess I'll have to wait until next year to do my second grow because I am not growing here anymore.
thats freaky, man. it was the garden gnomes or something.


New Member
Wise to react the way you are. Just make sure you stick around after this grow to help others. It will make you better for your second grow. I learn something new everyday.


Well-Known Member
yeah deff stick around.. whoever did it atleast they were cool bout it and left you a bud.. lol.. i dont think you have too much to worry bout. but i was looking forward to seeing another grow of yours again..

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I will definitely be around to help others and continue learning, even when I am not growing. I'm sure I will grow again at some point, it just might be a little while. I'm not too worried but I am pissed because he, whoever "he" is, took the largest cola (8" long) and two other decent sized ones. Total I would say he took about 3/4 oz.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Well I've gotten over the theft of my buds because PurpDaddy helped me realize that it could have been much worse. So anyway I just wanted to give a quick smoke report of the little bud that was left by the thief. I let it dry for 3 days so it was still a little moist but I had a couple friends over last night and I decided to pack up a bowl. Let me tell ya, this stuff was super sticky and tasted pretty good. The high was more of a head high and only lasted about an hour and a half but that's just because it should have gone another 2 weeks or so before I would have cut it. Overall, it was pretty decent, expecially for bagseed, and now I think I will be VERY happy with the quality of the buds I will harvest at the correct time. I was planning on cutting my 2 little girls on Saturday, but like Roseman, I think I will have to wait until at least Wednesday. Damn this waiting is gonna kill me LOL.


New Member
Yep, underdone is in the head and the more you wait to more body it has and the longer it lasts. Wait til is has a cure. It will knock your socks off! Even home grown bagseed will do that.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Today marks 56 days, or 8 weeks, since switching lights to 12/12. As I said, I was planning on harvesting on Saturday but I know that will be too early so I have about 1 week left until harvest. Lots of pics! Check em out. All comments are welcome.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
So I just drained the res and refilled with plain pHed water to flush until they finish. I figure I will harvest in the middle of next week, which will be almost exactly 9 weeks, just like Roseman predicted. I also wanted to add that I really like the new look of RIU.


Well-Known Member
The first couple pics,they still got a lil ways to go but the one with red calyx is looking ripe! DANK SHIT BRO!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Thanks purpdaddy! I was thinking that the one from the first couple pics will need to go a couple days, maybe a week longer because it does look a little behind.


Well-Known Member
damn dude
since its been so long since ive been able to come look
really looks amazing
they were huge plants and i predicted massive buds
and now look :)

those red pistils are insaneeee man!

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Beutiful job Lt., Just hope my buds are as nice! 8wks flowering!? I just started sat ! You mean I have almost 2 months till my first taste!!?? God give me more patience.Again nice first grow !!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Mary Jane is so pretty in pink! Nice work.
your plants are beautiful!! i only hope to have top buds like that!!

Those buds look beautiful man, you're gonna be happy real soon!
Thanks for the compliments from all of you!

Beutiful job Lt., Just hope my buds are as nice! 8wks flowering!? I just started sat ! You mean I have almost 2 months till my first taste!!?? God give me more patience.Again nice first grow !!
Yeah it is a long, slow ride and you need a lot of patience. I have to admit that now that I'm almost done, it seems like the last 12 have flown by.

you da man with the buds! BIG good looking buds too!

I am chopping mine this Thursday.
Me too! Well, at least for 2 of my girls. This is gonna be a good week. I have to say that none of this would have been possible without the help from all of you on RIU. I love this community for how willing everyone is to share their knowledge and experience. So thank you!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
It has been 60 days since the switch to 12/12 and 2 of my girls are just about ready to harvest. Most of the trichs are cloudy but I'm going to wait for some to turn amber before I chop. I figure that will happen sometime this week, probably Thursday at exactly 9 weeks. My big girl is starting to show some purple, most likely from cold temps. Is this bad for the plant? It does look cool though. The hairs are just beginning to change color on the big girl so she may have longer than I expected. Does anyone have an estimate on how much longer for her (Pics 4-6)? Check out the pics. All comments are welcome. Thanks for stopping by! Peace

