first grow..droopy leaves


Well-Known Member
dried out my plant and the soil and the leaves are beginning to green again, well the small ones anyway. hopefully it will be back to normal within the next few days. thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I thought you should only water when the soil is dry like every 5 days? Maybe I have been underwatering.. What is the deal.. every 2 days or wait untill the soil it dry?


Well-Known Member
I thought you should only water when the soil is dry like every 5 days? Maybe I have been underwatering.. What is the deal.. every 2 days or wait untill the soil it dry?

If the leaves are drooping it can be over or under watering. If the soil is dry and the leaves are drooping, water it. If the leaves are drooping and the soil is moist hold off for a while.

Word on the street is that weed likes it to go wet then dry out. So water when its dry and leaves *just start* to droop. And once water starts draining out the bottom stop. Repeat as necessary. My 20l (5gal) buckets seems to need it once a week. But the plants are only .5m tall. Once bigger they will need more water.

Have a happy grow!