first grow, dwc,150watt hps with pics/advice needed


these ladies are about 3 or 4 weeks old now, using 150 watt hps with 1 cfl, gen hydro nutes. i have a small problem on my hand, i have 7 right now, i only plan on having 3 females, im pretty sure my light can handle this but im growing a strain called cinderella 99, fast flowering lower yeilding strain, some people tell me to top or lst it in order to increase the yeild, does anyone have any experience with topping this strain or any others and can give me advice whetehre i should or should not? or maybe i should only top 1 or 2, i really cant decide ive always grown outdoor and this indoor stuff is new to me, any help and feedback is appreciated. hard decision to make whether to chop your plants head off, some experienced advice would be nice.

ps sry for the fucking novel



Active Member
With a small liht you are going to want to keep em in a nice small area, i'd recommend doing a small little scrog grow if you can. And opposed to topping you should pinch, i like to start after the 6th node and pinch often.

Make sure with your light your aiming for that 40-50w/sq ft in your area and youll achive really nice buds.(more intense lighting the better the buds will be)



well the reason im not doing a scrog grow is becasue i do have limited horizontal space, very small not sure exact measurments, i have lots of vertical space but i dont want stragly buds on the bottom u know what i mean, so i dunno thats why im in a little bit of a dilemma