First Grow, DWC Auto Blue Berry


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I been hanging around RIU for awhile now just taking in all the great info and advice. Started my first grow about 2 weeks ago.

Got some blueberry autos from attitude (very happy with the service so far) and decided on a DWC style grow, so after seriously underestimating how much all the gear would cost I ended up with a 400w HPS setup, 50 Litre res, Growth Technology Nutes (Aussie made nute, suppsed to be really good stuff, anyone else use them?) and a bottle of canna boost (Cant beleave how much that stuff costs).

I also got a bottle of DM reverse, I read the whole thread of the experiment using it as a feminiser, so figured it couldnt hurt to try.

So two weeks in everything is looking good, but it looks like the girls (Optimistic) are getting alittle stretchy, any input?

Sorry for the crappy pics, stupid I-Phone, I'll post better pics in afew days.




Well-Known Member
as well i am still new to this and still working on building my grow box, but from what Ive read through out these forums generally when your babies start streching ya need to move your lights closer, for HPS a good height is generally i believe 12-14 inches, always a good way to tell if there to close just flip your hand over and put it to the tops of the plants if its to hott for you its to hott for them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks heaps, I have had the light abit high (about 45cm) coz when I first turn it on they started to droop abit, I've droped in to about 35cms now, I'll see how they do.


Well-Known Member
Ok So I've had abit of a rough start, but things seem to be taking off alot better now. thew only thing I'm worried about atm is that the stems seem really weak. I've got them supported by a drinking straw, but if I take it away, they look like they are gonna fall over.

Anyone have any advice?

Sorry they are still stupid I-phone pics. camera has a dead batt and cant find the charger, haha.



Well-Known Member
They do look a little thin. Do you have an oscilating fan blowing on them. That's supposed to thicken the stem.


Active Member
well then if you feel that way.. I would take the fan and allow it to reflect of the corners of the walls... (or whatever wall you may have created) and let the air just circulate.


Well-Known Member
well then if you feel that way.. I would take the fan and allow it to reflect of the corners of the walls... (or whatever wall you may have created) and let the air just circulate.
if i had to make a educated guess i would say that when the light was to high they stretched them self's a little to much so now that you have solved the problem you just have to baby them for a bit until they get some strength. also the fan is a good idea but definatly not directly on them right this second. So in short toss a fan in there put it on low just for a bit of air flow, make sure your lights stay at a good height and keep your straws on for a little longer and see where they go from there. PS: i wouldnt sweat it to much they over all look healthy just a little strech issue.


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome, I've added a small fan pointed at the wall behind them, they are swaying alittle, but not enough to push them over, so fingers crossed, they come out ok. I'll add more pics in acouple of days.


Active Member
im curious to see this grow as well. i'm really interested in the auto blueberry as well. ( am awaiting an order that i placed two weeks ago ) i hear mixed remarks about them, but overall i say you made a good choice. good luck with your grow and i'll check back in to see how you're progressing.


Active Member
hi miccyj ive just completed a grow of blue ryder in dwc my plants varied from 38inches to 19 inches total dry weight off 5 was 6.5oz of dry and trimmed bud very nice smoke one plant finished in 8wks others took 9wks very nice smoke does taste n smell of blueberry good luck with your grow man lol ph1l1p72


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for the interest, I been really busy with work and stuff and havent had time till now for updates.

I've had some real heat problems last couple of weeks with the leaves curling and even a couple dying. I've been able to get it under control and the girls look like they are bouncing back nicely.

I hit them with their first dose of reverse last friday and the second dose due next monday. But they are already showing signs of being female, but still abit early to be sure.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if the plants are meant to do this, or if these nutes are just really good, but the plants have exploded, almost overnight, I'm just shocked......

I'm still wrestling with a few temp issues as you will probably see from the pics, but I think I have it all under control now.



Well-Known Member
Well........... to say they have grown alittle would be like saying a Mac Truck is alittle bigger than a mini. They are drinking heaps now, I have to top up the rez almost every other day. They are so big I think I may have to tie the bigger one down, do you think its to late to do that?



Well-Known Member
Just read through the journal and WOW...those are beautiful. Not sure if it's safe to tie down at this point or not but ur obviously going to run into uneven canopy issues if you don't do anything. About another month away from harvest right? How strong is their smell at this point? I'm planning on starting up some auto bb as well and pray that they look 1/2 as good as yours. Well done.


Well-Known Member
Just read through the journal and WOW...those are beautiful. Not sure if it's safe to tie down at this point or not but ur obviously going to run into uneven canopy issues if you don't do anything. About another month away from harvest right? How strong is their smell at this point? I'm planning on starting up some auto bb as well and pray that they look 1/2 as good as yours. Well done.
Thanks for the props man, yeah, about another 4-5 weeks from harvesting, I been using Boost from CANNA so I hope that's gonna fatten up the buds:joint:.

The smell is was very noticable in the room, but now that the weather has really cooled off, it's not so bad. I'm hoping that it doesnt seep into the rest of the house, if it does:cry: I'm gonna have to do something about it.

The only advise I can give you about growing this stuff is to go really easy on the nutes, I'm only using about 1200-1400 ppm now, I tried bumping it up to 1500-1600 and they really didnt like it. But I think I chose a really good set of nutes, I'm very happy with them. :hump: