First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb


Active Member
Things looked better. Out of 6 plants....4 are definite females. One is unsure. One looks likely male but i'll give it a little time to be sure. my roots are starting to get slimy and turn brownish again. GOD #$^^. If i cut more off...they'll HAVE no roots.


Active Member
I did another flush with peroxide and water. Added new nutes.

Threw out the two males and now the females are really starting to show themselves well.

The plants themselves are looking better. i pruned off a couple leaves with dying spots from all these setbacks.
BUT the roots still look like hell.

I went to my local hydro store and was basically raped over a super expensive bottle of this "flora shield." So I added that. Hopefully they will look better.

I started up the co2 regardless. i still wish someone would let me know if that's a good or bad idea at this point.



Active Member
Your plants look great to me.

I am interested to see how you do with the Endless Sky from Dr. Greenthumb. I am currently growing a couple of these. I just started a grow journal here last week.

You are a few weeks ahead of me and I will let mine veg another week or so before i start the flower cycle.

I am growing in a soilless media and so far, I am having no issues, though my plants initially grew slowly and were a lighter green than normal due to high temps (91 deg F). Now they grow much better at 81 deg F and it made all the difference in the world.


Active Member
I had given up on getting many answers here.

Things are almost done now. I had been battling root rot the whole time (water temps). So I was fighting to keep it at bay. This caused nutrient lockouts/deficiencies..etc. etc. They look good. Not as good as they COULD BE.... You'll see that my large fan leaves look well, HORRIBLE. Spotty, dead spots and all that. THe buds are largely unaffected unless by size and possible potency. Here are a few pics from the last month.

NOW my final question: My trichomes are ranging from clear to some that appear milky. I'd like to (to be safe) wait until i notice a few that are starting to turn amber colored. I have added plain water to flush these assuming that at this stage it will only take another week. How long could it take to change from first signs of cloudy to a few amber? Should I get back on nutes for another week? It is impossible for me to get a magnified picture unfortunately. It's all out of whack time-wise. It's supposed to be a 5 wk flower but they have been going for about 8 weeks I think...due to all the root problems.


man of steel

Active Member
not bad at all for a first grow,good job man. My first grow was with a aerogrow not much yeild at all just about 15grams.Had alot of that rust looking shit on the leaves 2.than I went organic and and never had a prob. again.2 much work with hydro,and 2 much money 4 that grow box.But it does make it grow like F_ _ _ k. Good luck with your next.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
too bad there isnt more pictures, info as how much pr plant, smoke report on potency etc
im running some ES f2 right now and they are growing very vigorously and i hope the yield and potency is up there where ppl say it is


Well-Known Member
Hey man I have a bloombox too. I had the same problem with slimy roots but the guys at Advanced Nutrients said it was just the carboload and that it gets foamy when aerated. I cut back on the carboload about 1/3 and it does foam sometimes but not much. I don't think the foam is the cause of most of the problems I've encountered.

Sometimes I run strains that get rust spots or yellowing/browning edges too even though the exact same nutrient program worked wonders for the previous strain. Unless you sit there all day monitoring the PH and PPM levels and know the plant already, it will take time to dial in a strain. Sometimes you get lucky though like the time I pulled 5.5oz off of one Nirvana Skunk Special in the bloombox flower chamber even though it had rust spots and burned leaf edges, it still pulled through fine.

You might be over-babying your plants a little like I did when I ran my first two or three batches in the bloombox. I had more problems when I watched them intently every day than I do checking on them for 1 minute per day. I tried to solve every last brown spot, every last leaf crinkle and guess what...... that's impossible unless you have years of experience that I sure don't have.

Hope the bloombox is treating you good man. One thing to try for the high water temps is freezing a few water bottles. Then you just put one or two of the bottles in the reseviour each morning and remove them at night to re-freeze. I kept a stock of em on hand when my room temperature used to get 80+. Now I have it at 72 :)