First grow ever 22 LEDs drip feed build and journal

that’s what a chinese vendor wants you to believe what an uv light diode should look like. uv light per se is in the non visual spectrum. our eyes are not made to see it nor should you look at it. that picture is mostly certainly around the 400nm range...
Yes it is a UV 400 nm. However an LED doesn't just produce photons at 400nm it's usually a range like 370-430 with a peak happening at 400nn. So you would get some UVA radiations and then visibly be able to see some violet light.

additionally we were looking at a photo and as far as I know cameras are able to detect photons outside the human visible spectrum.

the reason we can't see UV light, though many animals can is that our lenses filter out the Uv light and many animals don't so they can perceive it as a colour. Also people with damaged or surgically removed lenses report to be able to see Uv light as a pale violet light.

anyway long story short you think it's a blurple.
and the camera does than what exactly to produce a picture a human eye can see? i‘m REALLY curious how that works. entertain us plz

Narrator: It was a blurple.

Cameras pick up photons in a large range then software filters out the image for the radiation in the human perceptible wave length so things look normal. That being said I don't know what happens in the rendering software and how accurately and what wavelengths it was just a point I brought up glad you ignored all the rest.

Also if you had just said blurple from the start we wouldn't have this conversation for you to show case what a dickhead you are.

Best harvest so far in this room. The strain has a lot to do with it. I’m hoping to have 2.5#/light on this run. Everything went well except I hit 30-32c during day time, which I suppose is why it’s a bit fluffier than I expected, still super satisfied. The strain is called strawberry cheesecake from Mephisto. I can’t find any info on it at all, afaik Mephisto makes autos only but I’ve been told they released a few photoperiods. All I know is I have a moth

ps:far from the nices nugs in these pics, I’ll try to upload something nicer later
I've smoked Ethos version of lemon OG and really enjoyed it but I'm real partial to all the lemon OG strains.

I didn't grow it out but my friend did and he's sitting right next to me now lol. The cut he had grew tall and had good amount of stretch. Above average yield, bud structure was tight but he said if you didn't drop the temps towards the end or let temps get to high during the grow this strain has a tendency to produce not so dense, or even somewhat fluffy/airy buds.

I remember this strain to have real strong lemon taste to it which I enjoyed... also a diesel gassy taste and smell. Its a great strain, take it at least to week 9 but she ready when shes ready.
@canope Are the numbers in for this last round... did you every hit 2.5 per?

What is your trimming process? I assume you running that all through a machine... dry or wet?

Did you ever make the switch over to jacks? If so are you running it straight up or adding additives?
@canope Are the numbers in for this last round... did you every hit 2.5 per?

What is your trimming process? I assume you running that all through a machine... dry or wet?

Did you ever make the switch over to jacks? If so are you running it straight up or adding additives?
I hit 2.6, my best run so far, very happy. I trim everything by hand, tried many machines and techniques, hang dry 60rh/60F for 5-10 days, jacks 321 with silica, 1200 ppm all the way thru (strain dependant), 1500 ppm co2. I feed 3x a day in coco. Did a lot of testing and this seems like the best way to go, I'm ready to scale up