First Grow Ever- Aerogarden Veggie Pro (help and advice Appreciated)


someone help please my smaller of the two plants started to shrivel over night and when i woke up it looked like this anyone know why or how this happened please help



Active Member
Looks like nute burn, you might flush the res before it cooks the other one, replace with pH balanced water only, should recover...
good luck
just put seed in the fiber cone provided, after taking out other seed provided. if you didn't purch.ase extra blanks, drop seed in point facing down the length of seed. soak starter cone in ph water until saturated before. then cover up with plastic dommer, turn system on veggie setting and wait. 48-maybe alittle longer i have had almost 90% gernination this way and no transplanting . try it Itake a nail and poke a small hole the entire length of the fiber cone so tap root can easily travel out bottom. be careful not to push seed down much more than its length good luck take your time and if you want any size to you plants only 1-2 per grow and desolve neuts in small jar first then add some everyother day. think of a baby can't eat whole foods at first, allitle at a time again take your time. great growing/ red rock ranger


so after swapping out the water my little guy started to recover and is growing again. my big buy is doing amazing and has nice roots. here are some pics of day 7 since they were germinated.



Active Member
Nice work Paul, Spider had it right on the nutes, give em at least a week then maybe half strength for a week or two. Are you using the packets or the tabs? You're watching them close, they will tell you what they need when they do have needs. On my grows I think part of the fun is how they recovered from my mistakes. Thats after the they recovered...ha ha



yaeh i decided to wait until the little guy caught up a bit before i put nutes in again. but im using technafloras recipe for success. and yaeh im so glad the little guy recoverd hes doing even better today, but my big one is doing amazing hes so healthy green and his roots are outta control lol
thanks for the advice ive been keeping an eye on your journal and definitely have to say congrats


Well-Known Member
I subd. Y ou had your head on right when you ordered you AG. When I got mine all i had was some bag seeds and the ag. no nutes, fig. 8 cord, hp up/down. I still dont have a ph kit and I havnt checked the ph on my ag ever. I use straight tap water from the sink and now I have Grow Big General Hydroponic nutes. Due to the lack of prep I did before I got the AG I think I have stunted their growth because I have 2 other plants in soil and they are almist twice as big as the one in the AG. Good luck man. I have a good feeling youll have a good time growing/smoking this.


thanks man i did alot of research before i started because im on a tight budget. and thanks ive been lookin at your grow quite often and its coming out very nicely. anyways today i went out ad bought an airstone from the local pet store cheaper than goin to hyrdo store for it. but here are some pics of the little ones and my new pump and airstone.



ok so day 9 since germination and here are some pics the first two are of my very healthy plant and the third pic is of my little guy who is in recovery from almost death from nute burn.



so my plants started to get a little fried and started to turn yellowish brown but i bought a humidifier and a temp/humidity gauge ill post pics up later tonight


Well-Known Member
Might be because of the AG nutes....I wouldn't give anything but H2O until roots are big enough to handle nutes...


i have been giving them only ph balanced water for a while but i just checked again after the humidifier and it definitely has helped em and the roots are getting pretty big ill be posting pics of everything in a little while


picture update the first two are from pre humidifier you cant see very well but they are worse than they look the rest are post humidifier where they look worse but are actually better than before, there are two of my roots, what do you guys think? ready for nutes? and then the humidifier my gf and i picked up today.



Active Member
You're runt wont be able to handel nutes yet and the other one looks fine..nice work....How are you adjusting the pH ?