First Grow EVER- Aerogarden

Nice, u should look into a waterfarm bucket, they are like 50 bucks and u can grow a shit ton of weed easily. Those aerogardens are great for herbs and smaller weed plants but it looks like u have some room in there and could have it filled with some dank ass bud.

Like this....

I started like this. View attachment 1375261

And now I am at this.

View attachment 1375259View attachment 1375260

The waterfarms are amazing and cheap. There is a link to my grown journal in my Sig if u wanna stop by and check it out.
Hey I have a just starting I have everything in place like you..but I need to know when the first time I shoud add nutrients in..are the pics of your plant at 3 days old with or without nutes.?

P.S: I know the thread and update dates are a little off, I'm just trying to organize a grow journal from a previous thread of mine.[/QUOTE]
Hey I have a just starting I have everything in place like you..but I need to know when the first time I shoud add nutrients in..are the pics of your plant at 3 days old with or without nutes.?
Well before my seedlings went in the Aerogardens I had soil started them and I first gave them nutes after all of them had spread they're first leaves. Use diluted nutes though, at LEAST half strength and then slowly add more as they grow. Any pics when my plants are in the Aero, they have nutes.

yo man im usin an aero 6 now an shits fast!!! def! what nutes you running?
I list them in the first post of this grow journal :) They're from General Hydroponics.
So A couple weeks ago I snatched a tiny pre-mature budjule off one of my beauties and dried it. The other day I went ahead and smoked it. Now, we're talking a TINY amount of immature bud, like maybe an 1/8th a bowls worth. I smoked it with a friend, I think we got maybe two hits each, well my friend got STONED (lightweight) and I was pretty nicely buzzed. And that's the bud being immature!!!!! I'm so fucking excited right now! My indica dom plant's bud is starting to get orange hairs and I think it'll be ready for harvest 2-3 weeks!!! :D!! However, I did end up culling my hermie plant :( Right now I'm drying it and I'm going to use the whole plant to make cannabutter.

The budjule:

The Bud:

I actually found a hermie site on one of my big plants, but after an intensive search it appears I was lucky and this was the only instance:
So A couple weeks ago I snatched a tiny pre-mature budjule off one of my beauties and dried it. The other day I went ahead and smoked it. Now, we're talking a TINY amount of immature bud, like maybe an 1/8th a bowls worth. I smoked it with a friend, I think we got maybe two hits each, well my friend got STONED (lightweight) and I was pretty nicely buzzed. And that's the bud being immature!!!!! I'm so fucking excited right now! My indica dom plant's bud is starting to get orange hairs and I think it'll be ready for harvest 2-3 weeks!!! :D!! However, I did end up culling my hermie plant :( Right now I'm drying it and I'm going to use the whole plant to make cannabutter.

The budjule:
View attachment 1386814

The Bud:
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I actually found a hermie site on one of my big plants, but after an intensive search it appears I was lucky and this was the only instance:
View attachment 1386813
yummy, looking good. +reps
Bah, I haven't been on here in a bit, figured I should check in and update. Harvest has come and gone and I'm still enjoying my reward, but I ruined my crop. I completely over dried all the bud, so there went a crap ton of potency. Other than that, I did a mostly kill harvest, but I saved and am currently re-vegging one plant because I feel that with out the hermie explosion and me fucking up the drying, this would plant will have some schweet bud. It's the same plant that I already previously had to save as a cutting back from when my cat tried to eat it. I think it's going to stay small and super bushy, so I'm hoping to get a good bit of bud off her if I re-veg for a bit. I learned a lot from my last grow though, so it wasn't all a fail. I even went ahead and fixed up the white aero garden so it will at least work well as just a base; for germinating and cloning. For all the haters of Aerogardens though, telling me I'd be lucky to raise one plant, well I had TWO over 3' tall plants with full root systems growing in my Aerogarden 200 pro with NO ISSUES. I didn't even add an airstone or additional Co2 and both my plants were HUGE and healthy. The only thing I feel I still need to work on is my lighting, but the Aerogarden CFLs actually work pretty damn well for vegging, so I just need more light for flowering. I'll post a link once I start up the new grow journal for my re-grow :)
ive got a problem... i am also growing in an aerogarden big guy and i have three plants that are in the middle 3 holes and they are about 3 inches tall. just as your plants started to fight for light mine are doing the same thing. i would like to move the two plants in the rear middle holes to the two outer holes but it seems my roots have become very tangled in the res of the aero garden. i would like to know if it is ok to muscle them out or should i just let them go. i got seeds from a friend and i use aerogardens for sprouting everything in my garden so i threw them in there and no they are huge for small plants... maybe even too big, anyway what should i do..... move them or leave them?
You can muscle them apart, just be gentle about it and try not to tear the roots. You can also try trimming the roots back about 25% then trying to separate them. Just make sure that all broken roots are removed because if they're not attached the plant and aline they'll just rot in the water and that could kill your plants. Also, the plastic pods all snap right out. So the best way to go about this is to completely take the top off the aero garden so you can see what you're doing, the pop the whole pod holding the plant out. Pop out the ones you're not using at this time as well and just swap everything around. Removing the whole pod puts less stress on the plant. Remember to cover the holes you aren't using with something that will keep light out of the base. I use black electrical tape personally..
So I realized I never posted the results of this grow, which is old news by now. IDK weight wise what I got because I still don't own a scale, but between 3 people it lasted about 2 weeks. The whole thing went to shit after half my plants hermi-ed and seeded everything due to not keeping light out during the flowering 12/12 stage


P.S. make sure to check out my new grow, I went all out and am doing things right this time.