First grow ever: Bubba


I realized I haven't updated this in a minute so here's what's going on:

Flushed them with water last weekend then fed them heavily mid-week with GH Micro and Bloom from the 3 part, Kool Bloom powder, Snow Storm, Sugar Daddy and CarboLoad. The attached pictures are from Feb. 16 so I'll take more tomorrow and upload them. I am in week 6 now, almost week 7. Pictures are from the start of week 6.

They seem a little small to me. A buddy with the same strain harvested in 8 weeks so could just be genetically a slow bloomer but anyone with advice to get them going more would be appreciated.



Active Member
Damn I hate to see what you spent on that room! But it is killer for sure!! I thought I was over kill with my room at 10x10 for my first grow,,LOL Looks good!bongsmilie


Brah. This looks yummy.

Hard to think its your first "grow" though. You surerly didn't just wake up and do all of this from a virgin thought, no?

Great work regardless though.


Well-Known Member
Amazing room. Have you thought about Mylar on the ceiling and white plastic or mylar on your walkways? So jealous. :clap: