First grow ever - easy ryder AKA lowryder #2/ak-47


Well after much research I'm about to embark on my first grow ever. Here is what I have so far and my thoughts/questions:

1. Aerogarden Veggie Pro (3 flat bulb model with extendable hood).

2. Easyryder AKA lowryder #2/ak-47 autoflower seeds from Attitude. Also have a few free seeds they sent. I chose this based on reviews of that strain and the fact that it's supposed to be pretty short, which should be good for the AG. In hindsight I don't know why I limited myself to autoflower, as changing the timer to 12/12 isn't hard :). I started germinating two of these last night.

3. 2 additional 26w 6500K CFLs with adjustable desk lamps. Since these are autoflowering, should I keep these bulbs in the whole time, or should I still switch to the 2700K bulbs when they flower? Are the AG bulbs fine throughout?

4. Recipe for success nute starter kit. I was going to use AG bytes but everyne seem to think going w a dedicated nute is better.

5. PH tester and up/down kit

6. 10" airstone, pump and tubing

7. Small fan

8. Cardboard wrapped in Mylar to surround the whole thing.

9. Figure 8 power cord, timer


Sorry for the two posts, I'm using my iPhone and couldn't get back to the bottom of the last post.

The room is about 4x8x10 with absolutely no light coming in. Seems like a great spot.

Anyway, I'm really looking firward to this and hope it works. Total cost was around $370 so I hope it works.

I'll share my progress (and I'm sure ask a ton of questions). Thanks to everyone that has posted their experiences so far, I've learned a lot.

If anyone has insight regarding the bulbs during flowering it would be great. Also, are the supplied spacers sufficient to block out the light or should I cover the extra holes w electrical tape? Maybe I'll do both. I'm hoping the seeds will sprout by tomorrow night and I can get this little project started.
Well after much research I'm about to embark on my first grow ever. Here is what I have so far and my thoughts/questions:

1. Aerogarden Veggie Pro (3 flat bulb model with extendable hood).

2. Easyryder AKA lowryder #2/ak-47 autoflower seeds from Attitude. Also have a few free seeds they sent. I chose this based on reviews of that strain and the fact that it's supposed to be pretty short, which should be good for the AG. In hindsight I don't know why I limited myself to autoflower, as changing the timer to 12/12 isn't hard :). I started germinating two of these last night.

3. 2 additional 26w 6500K CFLs with adjustable desk lamps. Since these are autoflowering, should I keep these bulbs in the whole time, or should I still switch to the 2700K bulbs when they flower? Are the AG bulbs fine throughout?

4. Recipe for success nute starter kit. I was going to use AG bytes but everyne seem to think going w a dedicated nute is better.

5. PH tester and up/down kit

6. 10" airstone, pump and tubing

7. Small fan

8. Cardboard wrapped in Mylar to surround the whole thing.

9. Figure 8 power cord, timer
I have 11 ladys:) 8 Disel ryder af fem & 3 Lowryder#2 af fem, 9 days old, will use cfl the 3 first weeks, then switch to hps for bloom. Blue light for grow and red for bloom. Some growers dont use blue spectrum at all on af strains.
Keep it up bro! Hope you get some nice ladys:)


Good luck with you grow man. That sounds like an awesome lineup you have to look forward to. My two seeds haven't sprouted yet, but it's been like 22 hrs (who's counting?). I had them in a kitchen cupboard but moved to the top of the cable box where it's warmer. I hope I didn't screw something up already lol.

So this is a complete noob question, but will it be obvious when the AF strains start auto-flowering? I'll prob change the CFLs to the red spectrum at that point but don't want to do it prematurely.


Sorry guys, two more questions: 1) Should I leave the 3 flat CFLs on throughout the process? I'm assuming yes. 2) I'm thinking about adding 1 105W 6500K CFL to the setup. Do you think it's worth it? Will it make a difference? Also, energy consumption wise, that would be just like leaving 2 ~60 watt bulbs plugged in 20 hrs a day. It's not like it's going to break the bank or cause alarms, right?
I had mine seeds in paper towels, sprung after 36 hrs, root after 48 hrs. You will most likely see signs off flowers after 17 days, yes keep the cfl through the process, the ladys love light:) the more the better. It will not cost you much extra, the yield will be better:)


You were spot on with 36 hours. I checked this morning to see that both girls had sprouted overnight. Very excited, as I was starting to worry about dud factor (I had initially just assumed all would surely sprout). I'll probably plant them tomorrow morning or tonight, depending on how much they grow during the day today.


The roots grew about 3/4 of an inch while I was at work so I started the AG tonight. Super excited. Will be ordering some 105watt cfls I think. Just gotta figure out how to mount them...maybe some more desk lights. Room at 78.8' right now. What's ideal range again?
When i had the 250w cfl in my tent 120 x 120 x 200cm, 2,2cbm, for seeds, no fan just open holes it got up to 28-30dgr, and the room it stands in are 19dgr.


So DDS any progress updates. The reason I ask is that your using the exact same setup and strain that I'll be using very shortly.