Well Ladies and Gentlemen
I croped on the 24th december
and they have now dried out and are in
jars and air tight containers being cured
I lost some of the bud due to 2 burnt cola tops from the lamp and one had some rot/mould in the middle of it!
Estimated loss of about one ounce.
Estimated yeild per plant is 1 1/2 ounce per plant.
I think I did ok for a first time
Next time I wont let them get to tall before I put them into flower, so they dont get to close to the lamps.
Im also going to use 2x 250w CFL's for under lighting with red lamps to boost my next yeild as I found alot was lost under the girls. I could double my yeild on my next run with some under plant lighting
Im also going to use fine mesh at the drain holes in my pots so the roots dont go everywhere again!
The root system came out nice and was like a big sponge in my res!
All the roots were healthy as well.
and finaly I will use a little more nutes as I could have used alot more then I did
I will be starting a new grow in about a months time
Going to try and grow in Coco with clay pebbles as drainage at the bottom of the pots.
Looking to double my yeild and get some fatter buds!
A few last pics