First grow ever. Help. Plants dropping and wilting


New Member
Growing in pure FFHF soil. Monitoring ph and ppm of water and nutrients. Temp is good humidity is 40-60%. I checked my runoff for the first time last night scared me. One plant was 3000 ppm and one over 3000 ! I think I may have started feeding too soon. Fed a couple times once with 1/3 strength and once half strength. Using the GH flora series performance pack. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks.( also the drooping plant is 3 weeks old from seed) bigger plant is 4 weeks



Well-Known Member
Stop feeding. Just give plain water for awhile and don't water everyday. You don't need to be watering plants that small until runoff in soil. Just keep it moist to slightly dry. Constantly wet roots don't make happy plants unless your growing hydro.