First Grow Ever: HSO Blue Dream in DWC

The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
48 hours and still no sign of nutrient burn... Again, I'm seeing the opposite effect... The roots are getting bigger and bigger and bigger each time I take a peek. I found another single little black bug in the grow room... Again walking on the edge of the net pot. I see nothing in or around the roots to suggest their under any kind of assault.

What's astounding to me is how compact these plants remain... I see at least a new node on the main stem each day for the last week, but the plant is only about an inch taller all told... I guess that's a good thing? The sixth nodes are coming in now on both, and the tips of the seventh node are forming already on #1. Since I know the plants are handling the new nutrient levels, I'm going to fim tomorrow and get these plants nice and bushy...

I couldn't be more pleased on this - the 21st day from dry seed... I'm not rushing the girls, but I was hoping to have to start worrying about a screen by now! :) Like I said last night, the main stem is about as thick as a #2 pencil... I'm worried about the stems being woody and thick enough to not be able to train through the screen...

The pics below all look like they were taken inside the Matrix... Excuse the green tint. I have to shut my light down to take readings from my trimeter... I snapped these pics whilst the light was warming back up... I started each reservoir with tap water, 1/2 strength GH Flora- nutes (620ppm), and a ph of 5.8. Today, nute levels were down to 590 and ph went up... Apparently that's exactly what I want. I'm not adding back yet. They're not taking up nearly enough solution at this point to really worry about adding back daily. I have 1/4 strength nutes mixed up in one gallon buckets. If I see too much missing from the buckets, I'll add that back until the next rez change.

Here's the pics... See how compact? Tomorrow night I'll take a photo with a ruler to show you how short these girls still are.


The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
I FIM'ed the main stem's top on both plants last night after my update... I really don't have anything else to report tonight... Things are doing well... Here's the pics:


The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
Just a few midday pics and a quick update..

I moved the plants back down to the ground and moved the light down with them... In fact, I put the light a little closer than it had been. I figure at this point, my hardy gals can handle just about anything... I have nothing but robust new growth each time I check on them... They're already throwing off a thick odor :) I tried to get a few good pics of the undergrowth, which I'm hoping prompt the plants to grow vertically a little bit so I can get the ScROG going.


The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
Nothing new to report tonight... Loving the growth I'm getting now... I could sit down their and watch them grow if I had the time... Things are going very well.

The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
Another daylight update for ya... I'm still shocked at how compact and bushy these bitches are... It's clear from the pics that one is clearly the more dominant plant, but I expect both to be heavy yielders... I want to give you an idea of how short the plants really are, so the Mt. Dew bottle is there for reference... I'm stunned.


The main stem (on either plant) has 6 nodes (and then was fimmed) and it still is only 4" tall... lol... I guess that's a good thing, right?

The roots are getting bigger way faster than I thought... I'm surprised. An they're hungry because for the first time I can tell that the water level in the buckets is down. Obviously, I expect the plants' uptake to increase so I'll have to master the art of adding back water between changes. I read a good tutorial which goes over three methods for doing this, but I'm fishing for suggestions here...

If you haven't been following along, I'm currently on the first dose of Flora G/M/B at 1/2 strength after a week of having them on 1/4 strength. During the 1/4 strength week, I barely noticed the water level dropping off... This week, It's more noticeable. I will definitely need to add back before changing the water again. So I'm currently at 1/2 strength... Add back advice? Thanks...


New Member
sub'd! plants and setup both looking great. i also have 2 dwc buckets, and i plan on growing HSO blue dream next time around, im excited to see how yours turns out :cool:

The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
sub'd! plants and setup both looking great. i also have 2 dwc buckets, and i plan on growing HSO blue dream next time around, im excited to see how yours turns out :cool:
Thanks for subscribing... About the HSO Blue Dream... I'm having a hard time finding a sativa-dominant pheno here on RIU, other sites, and U-tube... Everything I've seen (including my own grow) looks like straight up indica... I would never guess that either plant has a super silver haze mother... I'm not complaining... Just not what I expected. Hopefully these ladies produce indica-like yields, but smoke like sativas!
Those are some healthy looking little bushy girls. Keep doing what you are doing. As for the water add-back, find a system you are comfortable with and go with it. I have used two different systems and both worked fine. I think it is just a matter of using a system that you will be comfortable using and stick with it if all looks well. My hso BD is the sativa pheno, tall, thin leaves and has just about taken over the scrog, my fault there. If yours keep going the way they have been you might not even need a screen. Then again like kids they might go through a growth spurt and start going vertical.


About to do my first grow as well. 6 DWC 5 gals. AK48 seeds. Subscribed - I've done my research, but might as well follow the guy right in front of you.

The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
550+ views, 16 likes, and at least 2 subscribers... I'm loving the support :)

Rez change tonight... Despite the awesome new growth in the past 48 hours, I am sticking with half-strength nutes again for another week... Next change, I'll bump up to full strength...

Before my update, I need to ask for some help... Yesterday morning I went in for a look and I found some yellow spotting on some of the leaves. I definitely want to nip this in the bud (all puns intended)... What am I looking at here? Remember, I am only noticing this like 5-6 days after my last rez change...


It's happening on the larger fan leaves on the lower branches only right now but I think I saw a tiny little bit of spotting on a younger leaf on the same plant. Can anyone tell me what's happening?

On to the update... Massive growth since last update. The plant has nearly doubled in height... New growth out the wazoo. If I am going to ScROG this grow, it's just about time to get that started... You can see from the pics below, I supercropped a few nodes on both plants... It just sorta felt like the thing to do... I'm fairly sure I did it right. I can see how it can be addictive, but I don't want to stress the girls too badly right now... especially if what's going on above is something more serious than just some minor deficiency... Here's the visuals


Personally, I think things are going well... I just need to right whatever is going on with the spots above... I'd rather wait for some good input before trying to combat it... Overreacting I think is probably the worst thing I can do... I'm still in veg... I can work out stuff fairly easily now... IF I know what's wrong... With that, I'll stop for the night and see if you guys know what's going on here... Thanks, and see you all tomorrow.
im growing my first batch also and I have 2 blue dream plants each 2 weeks old in coco and their quick growing plants I must say

The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
Not much to tell tonight... I am on top of the ph levels from here out... Also, I'm getting a bit more nervous about the spotting on the leaves... I don't know that it's spreading to other leaves... but the spots which are there are dead and crispy. I'm hoping the ph levels I had prior to my last rez change had something to do with it. I'm also still jazzed about the rapid growth... I'm raising some tough mama's... All the places I supercropped turned back up toward the light...

A few pics and another plea for help on the spots!


Not sure on the spots but overall they look lush. If the spotting is not continuing to spread to new growth then you may have solved it by correcting the ph. Proper ph is everything in hydro. You might need to check it a couple times a day while using 5 gallon buckets. When I was growing in a smaller system I had to adjust ph almost daily to keep in the proper range. But that was while in flower.
Try to keep it in the 5.5-6.0 range. If you don't have ph up/down then get some you will need it.
May have been a slight case of nute burn but I would think that would have shown up a little more. Again if new growth is looking good and the old growth is not getting worse you should be fine. As you go on be conservative with the nutes, keep the ph in the proper range, keep the temps under control and you should be ok. Stay on top of the basics and the rest will fall in line.

The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
Ok, so I tried my first add back tonight... I mixed 2/3 strength nutes with 1 gallon tap... No ph adjustments.

PPM readings in my buckets are down from roughly 600 PPM at the last rez change to roughly 420 PPM today (72 hours later). I read that this means my girls want more nutrients than I'm giving them... I slowly added back the 2/3 strength solution until PPM was in the mid 500's... It's deceiving though. I'm using tap water which starts at 200-220 PPM, so my nute strength is really somewhere in the 300's. As I'm reading this now, I'm cursing myself... I'm barely giving the girls anything to eat... 300+ PPM per plant and looking at the pics below, you'd probably all agree they can handle more, especially since they seem to be feeding very aggressively lately. I'm definitely going to up the nute strength on the next rez change... And I am going to aim at keeping the nute strength the same until the next change.

Also I have to make a trip to the local hardware store and get my ScROG supplies... I'm nervous... More nervous about this part than anything so far...


Thanks again for all the input... Maybe tomorrow night I'll do a video update...

The Average White Grower

Well-Known Member
A week ago, I posted a pic with a 20 oz. Mt. Dew bottle next to my plants to show you how compact they were... What a difference a week makes... Both plants are between 12 and 14 inches tall... And I've made the decision that I am not going to add a screen this grow. I'm not as concerned about yield as I am about learning. I'm learning that there is more to this than I ever expected... I don't want to overload myself.

So I'm going to do another rez change on Sunday... I'm upping to full-strength nutes. I'll take a few clippings and get one going as my mother plant. Bonzai! Then, I'm switching to HPS and 12/12 For the next 70 days :)


I still can't believe how bushy they stayed.
Just like kids, one day you are changing their diapers the next they are moving out... hopefully. Notice any preflowers yet? That size is a good time to start flowering for your lights. I don't know how old your girls are but by 4 weeks from seed they should be mature enough to flower. Judging by their size and look they should be able to handle the full nute load. Are you going to start flowering Sunday? The scrog is not that much extra work but since this is your first outing then just covering the basics is more than enough to worry about. Keep us updated every few days.
A week ago, I posted a pic with a 20 oz. Mt. Dew bottle next to my plants to show you how compact they were... What a difference a week makes... Both plants are between 12 and 14 inches tall... And I've made the decision that I am not going to add a screen this grow. I'm not as concerned about yield as I am about learning. I'm learning that there is more to this than I ever expected... I don't want to overload myself.

So I'm going to do another rez change on Sunday... I'm upping to full-strength nutes. I'll take a few clippings and get one going as my mother plant. Bonzai! Then, I'm switching to HPS and 12/12 For the next 70 days :)

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I still can't believe how bushy they stayed.
They look good I must say....stunted growth on one of my blue dream plants with heat and intensity to high stunted her growth, but when she was happy again quick growing plant