First grow ever. hydro. PICS! some help


Active Member
hi guys here is my first grown.

im looking for info as to how i should expand my project.

light 24/7
water once a day 30 mins. (some still manual, drippers not connected, small rockwool seedlings hand fed still)
ppm 600
pH 5.0-6.0 (no digi meter)
day 19 of since germination on biggest plants (5)

(im trying different growing mediums to see which i like best)

any input you guys might have on anything is really appreciated.

i will try to keep the thread updated as much as i can. thanks.




New Member
what kind of light are you using?

I recommend you get a PH meter right away, your plants are going to slow down in growth with such a low PH
and are you adding 600ppm of nutrients, or is that the total?

one tip, if your using clay pebbles, its better to take off the plastic and bury the plant with just the rockwool so the roots can expand


Active Member
im using 32 watt daylight flouros but only 2 and theyre t12s

it is 600ppm total. i tested some of my regular tap water and it was 300ppm so i added 300ppm the first time i fed them but did not have a ppm meter. (have one now)

took plastics off plants in clay pellets.


how do my plants look as far as color. what might those spots on some of them be


Well-Known Member
Spots could be from the PH not being on point, your tap water being 300ppm, and you giving them 300ppm. they dont need any nutes right now, just fresh ph'ed water. wait until the 4th node is established b4 adding nutes. my tap ppm is over 400 and my plants HATE IT. I wont dare give them tap water. noticed the green spot on your rockwool? thats algae. spreads rapidly, very bad. get something to cover the tops of the rockwools, like more rocks or some panda plastic.


Active Member
ok getting a pH meter tomorrow to get better readings. im going to flush with regular ph'ed water once i get it and until then no watering i guess. working on covers and going to add another tub.

what about my lights?

i only have 2 4' flouros (daylight) on 24/7 thinking about getting another light with same bulbs. i read i should have a mix of warm and cool bulbs for optimum growth using flouros. any opinions?

when should i switch to 18/6? or stay 24/7?

id really like to learn alot from this first grow so anything you guys can throw at me id take into serious consideration.

next step. proper ventilation


Well-Known Member
I hear u man. But your first step should have been getting the whole scheme down first. Your going to need ALOT more light than what you have at the moment to produce some nice nug.

when you start from seedling to veg always stay with one regimine. Be it 18/6 24/0. Switching light times on them at random times other than flower can cause stress and hermaphrodism. choose one, stick to it unti flower, then flip to 12/12. its simple


Active Member
ok i guess im sticking with 24/0. i didnt wanna buy an MH or HPS light system so soon because it was just an experiment. but now that im seeing decent results its definitely time to start saving for one of those.
will 4 daylight flouros total help me get through veg for a while longer?

those little seedlings in the pics up top are really growing fast i started them about 7 days ago from seed. i guess know that i know what im doing in the beginning of the plants life things are going better.

im easily getting addicted to this. i think 400w HPS with MH bulb for flowering will be enough for now.

so switching to 18/6 wont be positive in anyway for the plants?

more input if you got it please anyone.


Well-Known Member
some argue about 18/6 vs 24/0. my opinon is you need to get all the other aspects down b4 u start to worry about stuff like that. i go 24/0 if i feel like it or 18/6 if i dont. just keep it the same, if you switch you could cause hermaphrodites like i said. 4 more lights might be sufficent, but def no where near optimal.


Active Member
found an MH light 400w on the internet and im picking it up tonight. plants are still growing but i def need more light they have slowed down the past 2-3 days. cant wait to get the MH on em.


Active Member
havent seen my plants in two days and they have been on the MH since then. cant wait to see the difference in growth rate with the new light.

i had always planned on going big but just at a slower pace than buy everything at once. pics up later tonight.

i heard there is a difference in bud that shows 5 leaves vs 7 leaves. better buds with 7 i hear? any truth behind this? or where can i find more info on this.


Well-Known Member
i think the bigger the plant gets the more finger leaves it will produce. a 8 inch plant wont have a 13 leaf but i bet a 10 foot sativa will. i dont think that has anything to do with potency. potency is determined by genetics.


Active Member
so do you think its a good sign? or should i just disregard. i used bagseed for this grow since its my first. but if i could get good buds out of it id be super excited.

two days on the MH and the plants have really bushed out a lot.

i dont have a lot fo room so i was wondering if i should go with LST, topping or scrog. its my first grow so i think the simplest method would be the easiest. any suggestion? i saw your scrog and was kinda inspired but dont know if its too much for me to handle.


Active Member
i had them under the MH for two days w/o seeing them and when i came back they were sooo much more bushy than when i left. im extrememly pleased with the results. just need some real ventilation in there now and im pretty much set.

im considering scrog, lst, or topping. im a beginner so currently i think LST will do me some good. but i do really wanna try a scrog. who knows i will decide soon as the tallest plants are at about 7 inches. should i start training for scrog at this height?


Active Member
so finally here are the pics. after 5 days of the MH light. i was having trouble the first day cuz my light was too close. i ddint have the right mounting for the light but its all better now.

can i take clones of these plants yet?
i want to take clones to sex the plants?
can i take the clones, do all the cloning steps and flower them under 12/12 flouros? or do i have to wait for roots before i can flower for sexing?

also i fyou guys think theres anything wrong with my plants ie deficiencies or something let me know please as i get all nervous about something being wrong with them and me not knowing. (1st grow)



Well-Known Member
yeah man they are big enough to take clones from, go for it! i would wait for roots b4 sexing them, but i could be wrong.


Active Member
and as far as how the plants are looking? do they look like theyre on the wrong track. i know there are a lot of factors to consider but judging from the pics what do you guys think.

(thanks for all the responses billybob)


Well-Known Member
you can put your clones right into flower to determine the sex and after put them back into veg to get bigger

the plants are looking nice


Active Member
cool. theyre growing pretty fast cant wait until flowering comes.

do my plants remind anyone of any kind of strain or type. they were bagseed and i dont know what i was smoking at the time so any input also appreciated