First grow ever - lowryder #2 under CFL


Active Member
Hey guys this is a first grow, lowryder #2 plants under CFL

i've posted the starting set of pictures and will post regular updates daily

will post more pics with my setup and info later on, few attached for the plant grow up till now

By the way, could someone please help me out with the yellow spots (see latest picture), i'm not sure what the cause is



Active Member
hey guys, just thought i'd post with some pics of the setup

there is a 200w and a 125w lamp, the 200w over the top and the 125w on the side

both lamps are hooked onto strings so they can be raised and lowered and the aluminium foil is turned to the diffused side to prevent it from damaging the plant

there is also a tray full of wet tissue to keep the air moist and a weather station to monitor temperature and humidity levels

there is a door on the cupboard as well (obviously)



Well-Known Member
Nice lil grow you got going on there mang, good luck with the LR #2.. I'll be watching along as I've been so interested in LowRyder since I very first heard of it years ago but never could get seeds.. Now I'd like to go with a LR2 cross Diesel Ryder but I'll see how your grow goes as your a 1st timer (like myself) using the strain I wanted but didn't get, lol...
To answer your question though about the yellow, thats usually cause by the begining of a nute burn.. Did you "feed" them anything but water yet ? What soil mix are you using ?? Give us a bit more info if you could :)

good luck,


Active Member
They've received a very small amount of miracle-gro, water, and some rain water when possible.

The soil mix is just a multi purpose compost with some NPK in it.

What is a nute burn?

by the way, temperatures are around 26c and humidity is about 47-50%


Well-Known Member
Sounds really good except i think its way too early for the miracle-gro thats fertilizer aka nutrients aka nute... The plant is getting a excess of a certain nutrient and that causes a burn of sorts in your case a yellowing of the tip. If you look further into it you can figure out what specific "nute" is causing the problem be it N, P, or K.. the fact your soil had a NPK and you added miracle grow I'm going to stick with my guess but maybe you can wait for some others to chime in.. My suggest to "fix" is next time its watering day, give them a good flush of plain water only a good amount of it so it flushes the soil. Do a search for nute burn, or flushing, or yellowing tips and you should get tonnes of info as well :) the temps and humidity are pretty good so that should be a problem.. I hope that info helps you out !! If not maybe someone else will have something to add or tell me I'm wrong ? lol..

Good Luck,

**edit** Sorry I forgot to ask.. How old are they ?


Active Member
Cheers, after reading a couple of things that could be the problem, doesn't seem like its getting any worse though so i'm going to sit and leave it for now but check it every couple of hours.

Here's to hoping they turn out female bongsmilie

Thanks for the help mate, i'll be posting updates daily so you'll be able to keep track of the lowryders

They sprouted on the 18th of August, planted a few days before, so not very old.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, looks like the yellowing was only on that bottom leaf. I had a similar problem myself where I had 1 or 2 funky looking leaves but they turned out to be the bottom leaves and I notice it quite often in grows now... I dunno why but I'd guess new growers and a quick learning curve !!

Anyway, keep on growin


Well-Known Member
I like the light set up. Those cfl's are banging my man. Guy's he said they sprouted on August 18th which would make them about 8 days old.


Active Member
yep. plants sprouted august 18th.

The CFLs are nice, for the first day ir two I used two smaller CFLs but switched to the big ones fairly quickly.

I've been told i'll be able to tell the gender in just a couple of days, is that true?


Active Member
hey guys

i've turned off the 125w for now (the one hanging vertically) and kept the 200w above on, don't think it needs the 125w for another for days or a week or so.

Today's pic attached

FYI, there are two plants as seen in one of the pics, the other one is looking just about the same as this one though so I haven't felt the need to take close ups of it as well



Well-Known Member
are you just using those two cfls throughout the whole grow?? without any red spectrum lighting? With how things are going for you i might be eager to try that out lol


Active Member
The two CFLs are both 2700k red bloom lighting, you don't need the veg lighting for the lowryder plants as far as I know. Although with veg lights as well the plants would be bigger by now.


Well-Known Member
oh thanks for the info lol i wouda done things wrong that saves me money haha

did u get those bulbs at


Well-Known Member
Actually ALL strains of marijuana benefit the MOST from 6500K lighting from vegitation, and 2700K from floweringThere are no exception's to any strains. You won't notice a difference but your plant will yield more if you use the right kind of light.


Active Member
Hey Dr Chronic,

Just wondering, how come these seem to be growing so well and healthy without proper veg lighting? Is it just because of the wattage then? I was under the impression the lowryder strain was slightly different with respect to veg time, am I wrong?


Latest pic attached



Active Member
Posting pics of both plants today!

is it normal that one of them has a whole extra set of leaves than the other at this stage? someone told me it might mean its a male if its growing faster

