First Grow Ever...using Aerogarden


Well-Known Member
Uhm I'm not an advanced grower to answer that with confidence but I read that buds grow during the no light time. If you are on fence, maybe switch them to 12/12?
If thatt plant is done in 8 10 weeks, it should be almost ready by now right?


Active Member
Well technically they should have all be done 60 days from seed being that they are autos..... the 2 small ones should be ready for chopping in about 3 weeks...Some of the info I have been reading on autos states that putting them on 12/12 will lessen the yield but I need to do something to jump start the big one....


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I'm not saying keeping them on 12, just for a couple of days to see if it starts budding


Active Member
Well it is hard to tell from the pics but her white pistols are changing color!!! Hoping she is ready in another week or 2... Trichs are also starting to turn cloudy with a few amber ones...




Active Member
Well I had a bit of a problem on Monday...Big Girl was getting to close to the light so I went to bend her over just a bit and....snap!!!! :wall: Well it wasn't snapped off all the way so I took a bandaid and taped her up P1000037.jpg
Well it has been 2 days and so far so good...looks like the top is going to make it!!! :clap:P1000038.jpg

As for her not wanting to flower...well I am happy to say that switching her over to 12/12 has worked!! P1000042.jpg P1000041.jpg

After checking on her today I started looking at all the bud sites that were not getting enough light so I decided to try a bit of LST.... Before LST.....P1000038 (2).jpg
After LST.....P1000040.jpgP1000045.jpgP1000048.jpg This should help with the light issue!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh yay it worked! glad for you!!!
They're looking nice! Can't wait to see those dense nugs with that light! I might spring for a hps light for budding


Well-Known Member
Hey I have to say I loved your LSTing...looks Nicely done and unless I"m looking at the pics really all screwed up it looks like what you did was tie the individual nug sites down rather than try to bend her over and possibly break her again...solid idea..I may have to take that when I (eventually) flower


Active Member
Hey I have to say I loved your LSTing...looks Nicely done and unless I"m looking at the pics really all screwed up it looks like what you did was tie the individual nug sites down rather than try to bend her over and possibly break her again...solid idea..I may have to take that when I (eventually) flower
Well you may be "all screwed up" but you are seeing it correctly. She is so bushy I didn't realize she had that many budsites until I started poking around. Figured they would do better if they got more light and I was going to try LST on my next grow and said WTF and decided to just go for it!!!! Not to bad for a first timer!!!! Oh and thanks so much for your kind words....makes a Mom proud!!!! lol


Active Member
Just some pics of my little girl budding her little heart out....she has to be done in 12 days whether she wants to be or not....leaving town for a week on the 24th and I think if I let her go until I get back she will be over done. If I chop her on the 17th I can hang her to dry for almost a week and then jar her up and take it with me so I can open the jar while it is curing....



Well-Known Member
aww she looks so cute with her little buds hehe...great job considering it's your first grow...shame to have to chop her early BUT I doubt this is the end of your growing :)