First Grow Ever


Active Member
I am a first time grower. I got Arjuns haze, Purple haze, Sour Diesel, White widow, Delicious Cotton Candy, Afgani #1, and CH Jack 33 seeds. This morning a cotton haze sprouted and is 3 inches over night. I will post some pictures because I hope some experienced growers will follow my grow because I will probably need some help along the way.


Active Member
right now I just have them in my closet under a florescent. How tall should they get before I put them under the 1000 watt MH with 18/6 lights? I think some are getting lengthy and want to do it right? Please help.


Active Member
Really? What do you mean by keep your distance? and only put the ones that have popped out of the soil right?
right now I just have them in my closet under a florescent. How tall should they get before I put them under the 1000 watt MH with 18/6 lights? I think some are getting lengthy and want to do it right? Please help.
What kind of florescent t5? If so how much room do you have in your closet?


Active Member
It is a T12 4 foot with 2 Plant and acuarios bulbs. The closet is big but the box i have the plants in is only about a foot and a half and right under the light.
You can leave them under that light until they start to mature, I don't switch to 18/6 until my plants are at least 4 to 5 weeks old. 1000 watt MH get very hot and can burn the shit out of seedlings if your not careful do some research on lighting and air flow (research the lights you have and your room space)..


Active Member
I have a room already built. Its an 8x8 with 8 foot cielings I have the lights hooked up to cooling vent so heat will not be a problem. Should i still wait a week to move them into that room?


Well-Known Member
umm why didnt u put ur plant in the middle of the pot?
i knwo what light he means ther 6400k ive got one i can germ 40 under it and ts only bowt fott and half long


Active Member
lookin like they should bro. but i hope you didnt spend alot of money on those seeds from a bank if its truly your first grow. you should grow a few crops of bagseed to get your feet wet before trying any expensive strains. well happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
I have a room already built. Its an 8x8 with 8 foot cielings I have the lights hooked up to cooling vent so heat will not be a problem. Should i still wait a week to move them into that room?
My opinion yes yet until the start to mature, You can keep the t12 8 to 10 inches or even closer to the top of the seedling then you could 1000 watt MH this will help the plants from stretching. I'd veg under the t12 for 2 to 3 weeks then go to ether 18/6 or 16/8 until they are just about 6 to 8 inches of the height you want because of the stretch that plant do once the switch to 12/12. If your plants get to big and need more light then switch over to the 1000 watt..


Well-Known Member
Please keep us informed during and after the grow about the Arjuns Haze. It is very very hard to grow, I did it with a bunch of other strains and it was a disaster. I was heart broken. Mine couldn't handle anyting close to the level of nutes the others needed. They stretched so bad I had to keep tieing them down. At the end, the buds were almost all hair, the calyxes never swelled, or produced hardly any tricomes. I thought they were going to be my personal stash, and I ended up selling a LB of them for $400 and a 1/4 oz of blow. Othes have grown it all by itself, and said it was the shit. It was the first time I fucked up a strain since I was kid.

Go get em'!!!!!!


Active Member
Well to the first question. I obviously put the seed in the middle of the pot. It has a mind of its own and came up where it wanted. I didn't spend too much but I bought enough to get a bunch of free seeds and only used 1/3 of what I got so I have 2 more rounds of crops to get it right. But thanks for the input. I am gonna need all I can get.


Well-Known Member
well i got 2 germinating now jiucy chrnic and nlxbb fems going in coco in a few days under the 250 hps for 7-8 weeks then flower the puppeis uner the 600 and 250 :)

il sub to this mate help u out if u need it
main thing is dont make to much fuss over em and DONT disturb ther dark time
and most imporantly dont tall anyone mates or fuk all


Active Member
Ya you guys are the only ones I have told. But to the guy who messed up his Arjuns haze. Is there anything you recommend to me that might help to make mine grow good. It's too late to stop it now. Should I give it half the nutes that I give the others? I am using the Hesi nutes and following their schedule.


Active Member
IF YOU WANT FASTER RESULTS.. get your 1000 watt your talking about and get a 'COOL TUBE' setup for it.. you can get it super close to plants without worrying about burn.. and they are cheap.


Well-Known Member
IF YOU WANT FASTER RESULTS.. get your 1000 watt your talking about and get a 'COOL TUBE' setup for it.. you can get it super close to plants without worrying about burn.. and they are cheap.
a new grower wouldnt be good with 1000 watts they would have heat issues and everything and not know how to control them

yes i had arjuns haze no1 a flastgrower but i got raided so had to throw the seedling before they saw it RIP i feel so bad

dident see the cooltube bit he should buy that with the moey from this grow he could get wilma or dwc upgrade every grow ive go the full canna line now and allsorts of bits n bobs so shoever eaid shits simple its not if u dont do it rite u mya as well not even start


Active Member
I keep reading on here about people getting raided and stuff. Why and how do people keep getting raided? Is it the elec bill or people have licenses to grow and they come to check out what u have and bust you with more. All the people saying they get raided is starting to freak me out. I am gonna use a generator during the day mostly to keep elec down.