First grow ever


Hello everyone!

I'm here just to say hi and thanks for being here :grin:

Been reading your tips and posts for a while. Got me very interested of growing some myself,
so i bought some WW seeds and germinated two of them. Plant I is bit larger than the plant II you can see from the picture. I germinated them at the same time.
I'm using 125W CFL to vegetation, but i already have a 250W HPS for flowering. No nutes yet of course.

4 days from puttin in wet paper towel

12 days

Just a pretty picture :D


Well-Known Member
Nah he is good usin dat cfl 4 veg, it should be 4000k or higher otherwise there wouldn't b a point in using it would be the same as the hps that cfl should be a bright white color or sumptin like that. I was gonna say if u have the room once ur plants get a lil older so as not to fry em u could use both lights at the same time for veg and flowering. Those cfls don't get very hot and u could set it up on the side of ur plants with the hps above.


Well-Known Member
look great .. but tell me .. what is it with you and small pots :D

weed do like room for its roots ..

sumthing I did when I switch from my T5 to my HPS (from Veg to flowering)

was to run my HPS on Veg time so to speak (18/6)

a week more or so .. and turning the light hrs down ½ a hrs a day so I did`t stress em to much ..

if I boath changes to strong light in a diffrent color and cut the light hrs from 18 to 12 in one go it will most likely get stressd ..

and it actualy also grew quite a bit that week with the HPS as Veg light ..
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Thank you guys :D

Small pots for now are only because of temporary lack of space. Will plant them in bigger pots tonight.
I use CFL because it's 6400K and ment for veg. I will do as dvs1038 told, i think it will be great solution.


Well-Known Member
Notice in the last picture that your leaves are as wide as the cup. Means the roots have also
found the inside walls and now the plant is ready for rapid growth. Transplant now if you want the plant
to keep on stretching. Leave her in the cup for a week or so if you want shorter, bushier plants.

I like to leave them like that for a week or so and get a plant shaped like a lollipop.



You got some nice looking plants, i have also just started mine they sprouted yesterday :D good luck and happy growing :leaf::-P


Notice in the last picture that your leaves are as wide as the cup. Means the roots have also
found the inside walls and now the plant is ready for rapid growth. Transplant now if you want the plant
to keep on stretching. Leave her in the cup for a week or so if you want shorter, bushier plants.

I like to leave them like that for a week or so and get a plant shaped like a lollipop.

I did put them in larger pots today, so it's too late for me to follow your idea. And yes you were right about the lenght
of those grow fast :D!.

To larger pots today


Well-Known Member
Now that you are in the big pots we will expect a thread from you in 2 weeks saying
"why are they growing so slow?". Probably be 2 weeks or more of little or no visible growth
while the roots find the pot sidewalls.

Just for the hell of it, seeing as how you take such good pix, why don't you re-TP one of them
back into a smallish 4-inch or so pot? We would love to see how varying TP times can affect the
growth of plants. Post the pix right here and do us all a service.


PS -- Important thing is for growers to realize we can tweak the variables in a lot of ways as we
tailor our crops for our own needs. Many may not realize that in your exact situation you can
decide wether you want 3-foot plants or 5-foot plants to finish.