First grow (few problems)


Active Member
Ok Im 19 and back from college for the summer. Earlier this month I decided I was gonna start my own grow in my closet while my parents are gone for the summer and the people staying at my house wont come in my room. I didnt really do research until after I germinated them (It was a bit of an impulse decision and the whole set-up is a bit...well...makeshift. I got 4 seedlings that have about 5 or 6k lumens over the whole area (CFL's in desk lights from around the house lol :-D) Started em in plastic cups and moved them to gallon jugs with the tops cut off when the roots showed up along the sides. No ventilation other than a low powered fan atm.

Theres a few problems I've run into. First of all, Miracle Gro time release I discovered is a baaaaad idea lol, the first real set of leaves have some serious brownadge at the ends and along a couple of the tips. Secondly, I dont really know how much water the plants need. I have been very conservative, havnt given them more than a few sprays from those things that turn water into mist but they seem to be doing fine and the soil is at least cool and maybe a little moist a couple inches down still. My serious problem is that my parents come home in a little under enough and the plants are just starting the third set of leaves. Right now they are on 12/12 because I thought that might rush the plants along. (I'm really just trying to get something for my efforts especially since this is my first grow, dont need any huge ammounts or super chronic weed). Should I keep the plants on 12/12 or bump em back to 18/6?
Since I dont think I can finish the grow before I go back to college, I started to look for a plot outside to plant them into and realized that it wasnt gonna work lol. Instead, I remember a small crawl space about 3 1/2' high under the veranda that nobody would go under unless theres suspicions. Its got a wooden gate type thing around the perimeter and I'm the only one who knows you can move the fence away at a corner. I've been thinking about transporting all my stuff out of the closet and moving them to this area, buying some big black pieces of cloth and kinda walling off a sector to continue to grow while im at college. I thought about watering and found poking a tiny hole in the top of a gallon and putting it upside down makes for about a drop a second. How long is this ammount of water gonna sustain the plants? Could this system work if I'm away for a couple weeks at a time? Any suggestions/tips would really help. (I'd show some pictures but honestly I have no idea where the digital went)


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't grow in your parents house w/o there's just wrong. If you want to take the risk, grow it in your dorm (REALLY BAD IDEA).


Well-Known Member
And why wouldn't they grow outside? dig a hole, fill it with good soil, transplant, water when you can, and pray for some rain while your gone. You are already trying to flower them under 12/12 now. Depending on where you are, they will be flowering at this time of year, mine are, I'm in FL.


Active Member
Well, for one my parents dont even know I smoke so lol :-D. Outdoors is risky kuz people fish near my house and theres a good chance someone would stumble onto it. Theres also a lot of wildlife in the area that would love some weed munchin i think. From what I understand my plants wont start flowering for at least another week under 12/12 since its not old enough yet (these arnt clones, its from seed). I just think under my veranda is a good spot because unless someone is really looking for them it would be extraordinarily difficult to stumble upon (I'll show you once I find that damn digital)

also I dont think growing in my dorm room is an option lol. However I might try water curing in my closet if it really doesnt make any smell...


Active Member
u said gallon jugs, would these be like milk jugs? ive always heard clear pots or jugs in your case is a bad idea so i'd do something to darken them if so. Also u should water thoroughly and then wait until the top inch or so looks dry before watering again to make sure they get both air and water.