first grow, first post, 40days old


Active Member
hey guys this is my first grow :hump:, seeds are from hawaii, not sure on the strain,
18/6 light cycle
on 6 4ft fluorescant bulbs 5500k & 6500k 90cri
temps 75-85F, humidity 45-55%
40 days old from seed
mircacle grow all purpose water soluble fertilizer with lime & sulfur to balance ph

lemme know how i'm doin! and if anyone can recognize this strain help a brother out :joint:

and if anyone knows why there is grass growing in my grass..lemme know haha



Well-Known Member
Damn there little.but they do look very nice good job,i would hit with some fish emulsion they will take off .next time i would not use the water soluble mg.scotts poting soil has a lot better ph than the mg . I useed mg b4 on 2 grows then a friend checked the ph and it was over 8 i switched to scotts and use the emulsion every 3 water and it really explodes in veggin stage hope this helps