First Grow - Florida

If you leave it outside it is going to revert to vegetative growth.
The plant will cease flowering and then start to simply veg until probably late August or so. It will get much bigger.
You should then harvest around Nov 1 or late Oct.

Now, if you can begin moving it indoors, or anyplace it can receive 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness, then you will have harvest-able buds on or about June 1.

thanks again for the input! Now I think I'm going to let this plant flower and hope to "harvest" early in June. I need some help on the conditions for this 12hr of darkness per day. If I bring the plant in and put it in a linen closet (that NEVER gets opened) and make sure it is in there for 12hr everyday will that suffice? Or is a closet not good conditions? For example do I need more airflow or what? Also, after the 12hrs per day is up do I take it back outside or just leave it in the closet?
Bro, just leave it alone and keep it outside. Even if it does reveg you'll learn so much about the plant. You said yourself that this was for kicks but if you wanna go through all that trouble for maybe an ounce or two at best then suit yourself.
Bro, just leave it alone and keep it outside. Even if it does reveg you'll learn so much about the plant. You said yourself that this was for kicks but if you wanna go through all that trouble for maybe an ounce or two at best then suit yourself.

Trust me id love to do that, however, my neighbors situation at the moment won't allow for bigger plants right now. I'll save that longer process for when I buy seeds.

Is a blacked out container in a garage in south Florida going to be a bad place for the 12hr darkness (too humid?)
Plant seems to be turning a lighter color green. Anyone know why? I've also noticed some white spotting on some leaves. Pictures below...also, I'm looking for a good setup for an indoor spot for this plant for it's 12hr dark cycle. I asked before about my garage with no reply...see above.





Anybody? I'm thinking maybe too much water? I came home today after it had rained quite a bit and the plant looks to be in poor health. Leaves are getting very light in color (bottom leaves are dead) and there are white spots on leaves. Anybody???
I haven't updated this lately as the site seems to have gone down frequently but I'm in a bind and need some advice quickly.

I noticed my plant visually looking sickly. Leaves began to lack color and turn yellow and I found out I have a spider mite infestation. So after doing some reading I made a mixture of 8ml neem oil, 5ml dish soap in a liter of water and sprayed the plant generously in the afternoon this past Sunday. I read that I should spray every 3 days for 3 weeks to disrupt their life cycle. Does anyone have any input on this?

I've also been told about the possibility that given my plants small size and it's flowering so far that it may already be at the end of it's life cycle and ready to be harvested. Can anyone tell me more about this? Here are some recent pictures:



