First Grow: Flowering


Active Member
I've posted on here before, but never started a grow journal. I decided to start this flower journal so that I can get feedback on my single plant as I flower it. I started with 2 plants from seed, just to get familiar with growing. One was male, so I had to kill it.

So now it's only one plant, but this is actually pretty ideal for me since I don't have a lot of space in my grow box, and they were getting pretty bushy.

I LST the girl and she seems to be getting used to it and continues to grow little white hairs at her nodes.

This an old picture of my setup.

View with the front door closed.

The male plant before it met it's maker (btw, are male plants good for anything?)

My female, tied down, just a bit sexy.

A picture I intended to be a shot of the white hairs, but the resolution just wasn't all that good.

If anyone has any questions, or any tips they'd like to give me I'm all ears. Thanks.


Active Member
well, it's my first grow. My intent is to see how easy I COULD do it, and how much would be lost by doing so stripped down. I'm actually starting a new, much larger grow currently, but it won't be done until after thanksgiving.

I've noticed also that even 2 lights can produce a considerable amount of heat, so I've hesitated to add any more lights.


Active Member
And finally, some visible hairs!

I wasn't able to check the plant out for the last 3 days. So now I finally saw it and was glad to find my plant finally had some very visible flowers growing. I'm so proud. haha.




Active Member
Today I added had to add a whole gallon of water because I had not noticed but the water level had dropped in the last few days.

Here's a view from the top. you can see several flowers developing.

I added a UV light now that the little flowers are blooming. It's just a reptile light, but I'm sure it'll help some. Can't hurt. :?



Active Member
day 23 - they're getting bigger.

edit: I think I have some nute burn. Some of the tips of the leaves are burnt. I changed out the water and nutes yesterday. Today I noticed the burns. I diluted the solution by removing about half and refilling with fresh water. Hopefully that will stop any more burn.



Active Member
my girlfriend broke her camera, so unfortunately I haven't been able to take new pictures.

I was just looking at the last pictures I posted, and wow...The buds are so much bigger now. I switched out the water and nutes and put just pure water and molasses. I also added in some Vit B and the flowering solution, just for flavor (lol).

They seem to be liking the new soup as the new little leaves tips aren't coming out burnt. I figure that this is like a half-flush. In about a week and a half or 2 I'm going to be flushing the plants to get them ready for harvest.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I was hoping to see how your girls are doing as mine are right behind yours and am going to be starting the molasses today or tomorrow, watching the buds grow is the best isn't it?



Active Member
what is the purpose of tie downs?
The reason I tied down the branches of the plant was to keep them from growing into the lights and all the way to the top of the box. It worked just fine, and I've actually removed most of the main ties since the plant has become used to growing in this manner.

Damn, I was hoping to see how your girls are doing as mine are right behind yours and am going to be starting the molasses today or tomorrow, watching the buds grow is the best isn't it?

Yeah, I love to go look at the buds sometimes. The buds are getting so fat and snowy. Good first time experience. good luck on yours dude, I've been following your grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks total.. mine are getting there but seems to be taking their time filling in, I soo wish I could see your buds, I will sit and stare at my girls for hours, just can't help it, I'm sure that the anticipation is me being a noob! and that feeling, touching, watching will fade, Hopefully as I've been hearing touching the buds could effect their growth but damn it I just cant' help myself from pinching a bud and sniffing my fingers until the smell dissipates, once I harvest I will have plenty to touch, smell and look at.


Active Member
lol. I feel the exact same way, though to be honest the buds look so pristine I can't bare to touch them. I agree though, every day is like a new adventure and being a noob as well, i find every aspect of the growth fascinating. I just sit like an idiot in front of the box staring at the buds and trying to focus on the tiny little specks of thc.

it's like an insect light for stoners. lol.

I got the new pics yesterday when i changed out the water but i'm so tired and tomorrow a bunch of new bud pics.


Active Member
and a picture of the roots. Is this color normal? It seems like it's darkened a bit but I figured it was just that they look darker now that it's so big.

