First Grow for a Girl


Thanks Sistah Stoner Barbie. :-) Even Barbie needs a buzz to put up with Ken's behind. LOL! Thanks for the welcome. Damn girl, your grow is lookin' PURTY!! Hope to look like that when I grow up!



Active Member
I for one LOVE the ladies that grow... My girl is starting to get into it some but totally doesn't understand that I like to just sit in there and look at 'em from time to time. She thinks I am a little nucking futs but she will be pleasantly surprised when the time for harvest comes I think!


Well-Known Member
Welcome ladies, grow looking good! There are lots of great female growers here check out doeeyed, lacygirl, researchkitty to name a few

Bonzi in the house will not lead ya wrong and if I can ever be of any help feel free to hit me up


I for one LOVE the ladies that grow... My girl is starting to get into it some but totally doesn't understand that I like to just sit in there and look at 'em from time to time. She thinks I am a little nucking futs but she will be pleasantly surprised when the time for harvest comes I think!
OMG, you too??? I just love to be in the presence of my girls and look at them as though I think they are going to grow for me right before my eyes!! LOL Once your girl sees the harvest, she'll be more nucking futs about it too!


Welcome ladies, grow looking good! There are lots of great female growers here check out doeeyed, lacygirl, researchkitty to name a few

Bonzi in the house will not lead ya wrong and if I can ever be of any help feel free to hit me up
Thanks RiddleMe! I'll check my girls out and may be looking you up for some advice soon. These girls are growing FAST and I know I'm gonna need help keeping up! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Okay, so it seems my RIU brothas are typically the growers around here without many femmes trying their hand, but I'm going for it!! LOL! First grow EVAH!! Doing a hydro grow with 8 babes: 1 Low Ryder 2 started 1/14; 3 Fast Bud Autoflowers, 2 Pakistan Ryders, 1 Kannabia Power Skunk Bud, and 1 Dutch Passion Orange. The latter 7 were all started on 1/25.

I started the LR2 in an aerogarden system until I got my hydro tub going. I tranferred it to the hydro and started the other ladies in the hydro with all of them under 100W CFL 6500K lights. They did cool, but now that I got the 400W MH system going they are doing much better. Just noticing that the leaves are sorta wide and read somewhere that this could indicate too much humidity in the growing area? I also read that too much humidity can effect the production of resin. Look and see, any suggestions/opinions/help would be appreciated. I'm growing in a bathroom on the other end of the house that is not used. I lined the shower with Black/White poly and set the hydro in there. Got a fan going plus ceiling vent to suck out that skunky skunk smell that's already in the air! LOL! ;-)

The younger 7 ladies will be two weeks old tomorrow 2/8. My older girl is 4 weeks on Friday, 2/11. I've only nuted the LR2 once the week before last. Planning to nute every other week to prevent overdoing it, but also don't want to under-do it either. Using Advanced Nutrients system Micro/Grow/Bloom. Noticed that the LR2 REALLY seemed to take off once I nuted her with this line up, but have no other frame of reference to go on. Your thoughts are appreciated. Let's see what these ladies do!

Holla at cha girl! :eyesmoke:

Nice grow. I really loved Grow-Micro-Bloom when I used to use it.

I'm really enjoying another lineup now:

Sensi A&B Grow
Sensi A&B Bloom
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Voodoo Juice

Love that there's a chick on here - girls rock as growers. Gonna watch out for you!


Hey girl, congrats on your grow! To answer some things in your original post:

Wide leaves are just fine; if anything they indicate the presence of an indica (short, bushy plant with fat leaves) vs. a sativa (tall, lanky plant with longer, thinner leaves.) Be happy, fat wide leaves = more surface area for light collection/photosynthesis.

Humidity - It looks like your plants are still vegging based on the pics. Humidity is good in this phase, feel free to mist at will. Once you switch to BLOOM then yes, you want LOW HUMIDITY. The idea behind the resin is to protect the plant from drying out, so by keeping low humidity (less than 50% for sure, some go for as low as possible ~15%) and good air circulation you can encourage resin production. So once you hit 12/12 flowering, no more misting and get the circulating fans going. This will also prevent mold from growing on your buds in the final stages.

If you're doing a DWC I highly recommend checking out Roseman's excellent DWC guide:
In there he addresses pretty much everything you need to know, start to finish, about DWC. Cheers!


Hey girl, congrats on your grow! To answer some things in your original post:

Wide leaves are just fine; if anything they indicate the presence of an indica (short, bushy plant with fat leaves) vs. a sativa (tall, lanky plant with longer, thinner leaves.) Be happy, fat wide leaves = more surface area for light collection/photosynthesis.

Humidity - It looks like your plants are still vegging based on the pics. Humidity is good in this phase, feel free to mist at will. Once you switch to BLOOM then yes, you want LOW HUMIDITY. The idea behind the resin is to protect the plant from drying out, so by keeping low humidity (less than 50% for sure, some go for as low as possible ~15%) and good air circulation you can encourage resin production. So once you hit 12/12 flowering, no more misting and get the circulating fans going. This will also prevent mold from growing on your buds in the final stages.

If you're doing a DWC I highly recommend checking out Roseman's excellent DWC guide:
In there he addresses pretty much everything you need to know, start to finish, about DWC. Cheers!
LOL! Sounds good to me! Besides, I just recently got my hygrometer and my humidity levels are nowhere close to being too high like I thought, so I ultimately ruled out humidity being the reason for wide leaves. Must be the strain. Thanks so much for the reference so that I can research more about what I'm doing! You said a couple of things that offer me some relief/confirmation about some things I'd suspected and read previously.


Nice grow. I really loved Grow-Micro-Bloom when I used to use it.

I'm really enjoying another lineup now:

Sensi A&B Grow
Sensi A&B Bloom
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Voodoo Juice

Love that there's a chick on here - girls rock as growers. Gonna watch out for you!
Motherhugger, I heard that the Sensi combo was exceptional. I'm gonna go ahead and stick with what I have for this round; however, I may do the next grow with that lineup. I just found a sweet deal on a package that includes more of what I'm using plus voodoo juice, B-52, sensizym, tarantula and piranha (the latter two are in powdered form). The tarantula and piranha were basically thrown into the package deal as freebies, but after reading up on them it seems that they may be beneficial to the overall grow. We'll see, don't want to OVERDO ya know? Holla!


Well-Known Member
the south? damn aint the laws messed up round there? if you get caught you get like 8 life sentences and a stake through your heart
Americans are funny


Well, what a difference a week makes! I've been through hell with one of my girls but the others seem to be doing alright. My tub seemed to get too crowded with the Dutch Passion Orange and LR2 towering over the rest of the ladies, so I decided to spread them out a wee bit and put the LR2 and DPO in two individual bubblers. The DPO took the move alright for the most part, a few leaves on the bottom yellowed and some stretching occurred, but she's doing great at the present time. Looks to me like she might get really tall so I'm glad she's on her own away from the short autos that I have.

The LR2 is my most temperamental plant. She started getting dark purplish within some of the leaves as well as on some edges. You'll see what I mean on the pics. She drooped for about 32 hours and I pretty much figured I'd lost her. After researching a bit, I realized that my Ph was waaaay off after the transplants, and the yellowing of the DPO was due to simply needing some more nutes. I'd planned to nute only every two weeks but it seems it's time to do a weekly feeding. I just make sure to do half the recommended dosage at this point and the girls are taking it well.

Once I fixed Ph and nutes, LR2, as well as the other ladies, have been happy as hell but the LR2 has those ugly-assed brown stains on the edges of some of her leaves. As long as she is still producing new leaves and seeming to respond well to light, heat, nutes, etc ... I can deal with the "ugliness" for now LOL! I dont' think I'll re-do this strain again though. Again, she has been temperamental a few times since germination and we are only 4 weeks in. I have to baby her tremendously it seems. Hope she makes it all worth my while come harvest time!

Y'all holla at cha girl and tell me what you think of how the girls have grown in the past week. bongsmilie

