First grow from bagseed!

Gonna have some pics later of the flowering clone at 17 days.. the twistytie that was holding it down (lst) came undone and it grew up into the light and got burned somewhat but itll b fine im sure. As for the upside down grow ill take some pics tomm i germed 8 seeds and put them into jiffy pellets soaked in water plus a little superthrive. 2 of them have popped up but im going to wait for about 4 before i put them into ziplock bags lined w tape so no light hits the roots then im goin to hang them over a small fluro bar light for the first week, then ill use a couple cfls. I might just make a seperate journal for them who knows.
Pics 1 2 and 3 are of the 9 week old mother plant that the clones came from. Pics 4 and 5 are one of the clones that has been in flowering around 18 days got burned by the light. 6 7 and 8 are of the plant in mg organic. 9 10 11 12 and 13 are of the plant in the mg potting soil. Both of the last plants are on day 32 flowering, ill prolly let em go for about another month or so.

Also ill put up pics tomm of the upside down grow i picked out 2 of the better looking sprouts out of 6 and im gonna grow those.


I have a seperate journal for the upside down gro go check it out. Ill have new pics of the bigguns tomm and im gonna grow one of the clones i took like a week or so ago in 12/12 from the start so ill post some pics of that little guy
I added 4 more bulbs to the room thanks to the bulb y adapters at lowes. The main two plants are at day 35 now, im thinkin 18-20 more days to harvest the main buds then 8-10 more to let the bottom ones grow out but idk.

Pics 1 2 and 3 are of the organic mg, 4-9 are the one in the mg potting and the last pic is part of the flowering room w the lights all in i now have 4 42 w warm and 4 30w warm for a total of 288w now. Its bright as shit in there.


heres the last two pics, anyone have an estimate of how many more days you think i should leave the bigger ones by how many days theyve been flowering and how they are lookin..?



Well-Known Member
hey bro looks god i tried to figure it out theres 2 at 38 days one mother and some clones on 288w of i rite?

i have 2 under 294w cfl at 21days also
heh, nope i have one mother plant,one plant from seed, and 4 decent sized clones under one four foot t8 and one four foot t12 then i have the two big plants and 3 clones one of them pictured two of them pretty pathetic looking. Then a tiny clone im growin 12/12 from start to finish aaannd 3 seedlings growin upside down in bags over a 2 foot fluro
im gonna harvest the taller buds in 12-14 days im thinkin then let all of the lower ones go for another 7-10 days .. oh yeah i forgot to add for the last three waterings ive been using grandmas mollasses 1tb per gal.


check your leaves u myt have bugs check under them or sumtimes it happens if u giv it a ova does of nutrients or too much waterr and its not drainig out
Ive checked for bugs plenty of times the only bugs i have is a couple fruit fly type things and the plant safe bug killer i have doesnt kill em... but thres only like maybe 10 total that ive seen. Plus i use mg potting so i dont gotta fuck w nutes .


Well-Known Member
if theres a problem with bugs which i dont think it is jus get a water bottle put 2 or 3 drops of dish soap in it fill it up with water and get a spray bottle top and spray it from the water bottle lightly on the soil the bugs leave.... works everytime for me,,,, but yeah MG dont fuck with nutes until like the end of flowering and even then almost none haha but yeah that las post hes talkin bout three diffrent reason causing the same thing thats a noob in my book
Day 41 flowering!

Pics 1 2 3 mg organic plant

Pics 4 5 6 7 8 mg potting soil (sorry about the blurry pics lol)

Tomorrow or wednesday ill put up some pics of the tiny clone i have budding and the bigger lsted one also, I somehow jammed the enormous mother plant into the flowering room also lol. It wasnt getting enough light under the t 12s so i figured might as well start it down the path of flowering. Once the other two plants are done and i move em on out im also gonna try to scrog the mother plant.


yeah ill probably chop the ones closest to the light in about 12-14 days and leave the lower ones for another week to grow a tiny bit more before i chop the whole plant.