First Grow from bagseed

hello everyone just wanted to share my first grow. i am growing 3 plants at a time well 3 vegging and 3 flowering. Just enough to smoke myself. my soil mixture is a custom blend roughfly 40% black dirt with a little sand, 25% monrovia planting compost, 25% Composted cow manure and 10% perlite. i also am going to add a top layer of composted steer manure a couple weeks in to preflowering. I vegg under 4 flourescent tubes 2 cool white and 2 daylight full spectrum. i vegg at 16/8 and flower at 12/12
i just moved my first 3 to the flowering room. it has a huge cardboard box that a snap-on tool chest came in and inside at both ends there a 2 flourescent tubes one of each again and then there is a 150w hps above them. i will share pics soon as i get get in there agian.( using a secure location). Just wanted to know peoples opinions of this setup. I always have a fan and air purifier going in each room. My nutrients are as follow during veg i mix it up between a 20-20-20 and 8-4-16 miracle grow and for flowering im using a 10-54-10 bloom enhancer. i always dilute them to about 1/5th strength because i heard they dont like much. I top the plant at the fourth node and prune some lower branches to fill out the bottom. i am so happy i discovered my first female today the day after i moved it into the flower room. i only have 2 flowering now since my lights fell hacked off a branch on one and killed another . I'll post new picks soon as i am planting new ones tonight. Sorry about the long post but am looking forward to hearing peoples suggestions Update: i have confirmed the seed was from a very good bad of sour diesel. these pics are a week old now i have discovered to plant on the right was a male and pulled it today. i still have a strong female and have now cloned her and she is doing good will post updated pics soon. i realized my mistakes such as slightly over fertilizing ( flushed soil), waited too long to flower, i had never seen a grow start to finish so made a rookie mistake.
well my friend called me and hewas given a harvest from a woman who divorced her husband and he left the plants for her. she didnt know anything about growing and didnt pull the males and the whole harvest is pollenated. he had gone to amsterdam and brought back seeds a couple years ago, witch these plants were grown from. i was wondering if i should take some of these seeds or would i be better usingf bagseed. the plants were fully developed and the plants are sitting in a garbage bag at ny friends. i am just about to start 2 new ones should i use these or 2 bagseed i have left 1 from greencrack and 1 from a good unknow strain.