First grow from clone, its starting to rot, what do i do?


Well-Known Member
Ok i guess your clones are gonna die and im gonna laff for ya ...LOL
ive got 4 one he go all have roots >LOLOLOLOLOLOL i love it .
mine is allwayz in water ....


Well-Known Member
ok here goes any body that thinks other wise can point it out and il talk them into my way lol. u dont want the light to close or they will get to much light you deffinitly want a humidity dome or u will get a way less % of success u want a temp of around 25c dont cut the leafs in half just take off the bottom few if u are using soil then id water every week or 2 weeks u dont want the roots getting much water at this stage u want more humidity since they take more water through there leafs. i am doing hydro so it might be a tiny bit differnt to soil but i have 100% succes and the best looking clones u have ever scene. lol hope this helps


Active Member
On3Tim3OnLy- LOL you can start laughing cause it rotted. I got a new clone tho.

Its in a dome, i mist it 2 times a day or whenever it completely dries out. Also its sitting in a peat pellet with vermiculite.
Trimmed the leafs in half and its sitting in water.Also its around 2 feet away from the lights.
Anything i missed?

Smokeandfly- ive met al of your conditions exept not cutting the leaves
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Well-Known Member
ok coolio u should be ok then hopefully. alot of people cut the leafs in half but alot dont realise thats only if all the leafs u have are big cause u cant cut all the big leafs off if there all big if u get what i mean lol. and i would invest in a dwc cloner mine only costed me $400 aus with light heater and everything. it took 10 days to have a nice root mass and from 2 days ago to today the plant has doubled in size. keep us up to date with ur clone bro


Active Member
yeah i know what u mean.
I think il stick to the humidity dome, i dont want to spend 400 bucks on this.

Do you guys think it is looking good?


Well-Known Member
Yo scrapper420 you talking to me if so ...
i lost my mobile and my mum is in the USA with the phone i use to put the pic on the pc but i'll have them on here asap


Well-Known Member
Nah i was gonna start a journal but now i only Vegg(from 1-5weeks old) and my friends flowers with a Hps,.. and i lost my phone months ago .. LOL


Active Member
HOLY CRAP. Thats eden for marijuana. Good for u man ur babies are gonna be soo fat.

Im gonna get something like that when i move into my own place, now im just stuck with 2 setups, one with 5600 lumens and the other one is 1750 :P


Well-Known Member
and if you adding up lumens if doesnt add up like that


(wrong way)
125w at 10,000 lumens x 2 bulbs =20,000 lumens

(Right way)
125w at 10,000 lumens x 2 bulbs = 10,000 but 2 x(times) the coverage
Just remember lumens is (lumen Intentisty) as a bulb can only go to its MAX (normal intentisty) of 10,000