First grow ghetto grow.


Picture 001.jpgPicture 003.jpgdownsize.jpg

How does it look? I've had this clone for about 2 weeks now. I'm just using a cardboard box lined with tin foil, and 2 23w 6500k cfls. i have one fan sucking air in and out the crack of the lid. One of the pics is the day I got it.


Well-Known Member
More Cfls, Bigger Box, Say Fuck the foil most of the time it leaves burn spots unless completly wrinkle free your better off to paint it white. I think i see spots here and there already. And if your useing a small box you have enough light for now watch your temps when things get crowded. Once you start flowering your gonna need more light 2700k temp bulbs and a good amount of them if you want decent yields.

If your gonna keep useing CFLS one thing i have found to be best is Keep them Close to the plants and keep a breeze going across them and they stay fairly cool.

didn't see any posts so i figured i would chim in with my 2 cents.....


those spots are probably water droplets. i had just watered it before i took the photo. oh and i forgot to mention ive been using regular potting soil mixed with perlite and fox farm grow big nutes


so i can actually paint cardboard or do you think a better and easier alternative would be to tape white paper all over?


Well-Known Member
naw man i see a bleached spot right there im sure but other then that there healthy as can be just trust me foil will end up being a problem =)


if i were to get another cfl which color temp would you recommend? 2700k or another 6500k? im really unsure about this because sometimes i hear of people mixing spectrums...


Well-Known Member
i dont think a paper towel will work. you could get a mylar blanket at wal-mart for like a buck or two and tape that to the box or paint it white