First Grow, going indoors and outdoors with this one


Well-Known Member

Do you have room for the ones that are staying inside? Maybe it's time to take the others outside? I dunno, they will probably be ok in those for another week or two.


Well-Known Member
i think i will keep um here for another 10 - 15 days , i was told best outdoor planting time around here is after first full moon of may wich is the 19th. so just a wee before that should be ok. you think they will last that long in here? or should i scrap some plants (never kill , give to friends) and upsize pots in a few days?


Well-Known Member
I dunno man, what do you think you should do? Do what you feel is right...

Like I said, they should be ok for a couple more weeks. If you start to notice any drooping or stunted growth...definitely switch to bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
also starting to see a little discoloration in the leaves on a couple of my babes. nothing to worry about now i dont think.When should i start to nute them?


Well-Known Member
They look nice and healthy to me, they might not need it yet. But maybe they do. It's kinda hard to tell from pics.

If you do feed them, give them a very very small amount and see how they react. Do it to just one or two, just in case they don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Check um
Day 12

Day 12 veg.jpg

Day 12 veg..jpg

I turned off my fan this morning as i always do for my homemade co2 to fill the box but left for work without turning back on. had no fan all day , and when i got home it was soooo hot in the box like 86 F. But look at the growth on those babies.


Well-Known Member
They will be ok...if it were 90 or above for that long, then that would have been bad. I try not to let my temps go above 82, but they will be ok at 85-86.

The plants in the second pic are looking real good. You giving them any nutes yet?

Those plants with at least 6 leaves can probably be given a very small dose. Mess around with it and see what they say. Be careful though..


Well-Known Member
dAY 13
mY GiRLs aredoing awsome but i really need to transplant to bigger pots and get some of them out! NO ROOM!!!!!!!!!
Have some friends who want a couple so i can donate 4-7 plants.I have 19 inside here, 2 out in the garden(although way too soon to put out) and a hand full i left growing in a tray outside(really small)

how many should i give away and with the rest ,should i just hope for the best and keep them in the small pots inside.Or should i start planting outside in cool weather and take my chances?
let me know all!

Day 13 veg.jpg

Day 13 veg..jpg