First Grow, going indoors and outdoors with this one


Well-Known Member
4 br = bigger grow room???
Exactly..I'll probably only use two of them though. One for veg and one for flower...way out in a secluded neighborhood. Real nice spot..


I got you added..check your shit now.

sorry for the jack gamble.


Well-Known Member
well, i got some organic snail and slug repelant, and some insecticide soap for my bitches and will be going to spread it later today. its my b-day today so i have to try and work around my schedual and might not be able to make till tomorow


Well-Known Member
Hey Happy Bday And Your On The "13" Pg. So That Means U Have To Smoke All Day... Jst. Tell The Ole' Lady Thems The Rules Sorry Babe.!!! Db.:)


Well-Known Member
Nice Pic's, Those In The "bucket" Look Hearty... U Going To Let Them Ride The Hole Trip In There Yes.??? Db.

No Bitching About Tic's So A Good Run This Time. Lol :)


Well-Known Member
nope peeled like 12 off me today...just thought i wouldnt bitch about
and yes, the bucket plants will stay in their the whole time.


Well-Known Member
Sorry To Hear About The Extra Passengers....:(! Those Babies In The Gang Are Going To Make One Serious Plant Mahn... Cant Wait To See Her Go.!!! Db.:)


Well-Known Member
havent gone to check yet. It worked for the ones in my yard so i asume it worked in the feild.But the bug problem is alote worse out in the feild, so i wont know untill i go and see them.


Well-Known Member
well good news and bad news.

Ill let off the bad news first...Patches 1 and 3 are not doing so well when i went to visite today...patch 1 is looking really ruff. Browning hard on the top leaves and bugs on them again! patch 3 is not as bad but foiund another snail near one of the stems and bugs on leafs.They dont look like they will survive. Take a look at what i mean.

Patch 1 ..........Patch 3

Now for some good news. patch 2 and 4 are doing great..they are healthy, green and gettin bigger! I think its because Patch 2 is under a tree and patch 4 in a bush so they do not get the bad ass bugs like the feild patches.only prob with patch 4 is there is not enough light and my skunk plant is getting very stretchy !
take a look

patych 2 .........patch 4

So i think from now on i will be putting my plants in a forest or something like that because the feilds are always mean to me the damn bugs are killing my plants and I keep coming home covered in ticks and I HATE FUCKING TICKS!!!!!!!!
I will post my bucket and patch 5 in a bit need to get me some munchies ha ha LOL.