About 2-3 weeks ago I put my plant outdoors. I "hardened it off" by only putting it out for 3 hours a day then 3 hours more each day until it got to the full 18 hours of daylight. The original oval shaped leaves turned yellow and started to die so I trimmed them off. A week after that the first set of true leaves are started to yellow but the veins are still green (shown in the 2nd and 3rd pics). I planted it in a medium sized pot with miracle grow potting mix that has a 0.21 - 0.07 - 0.14 fert composition. (N, P, potash..I think) It seems like it is getting worse but the new growth does look healthy so far. I was told that it might be running out of nutes. If so, what nutes should I add if it is using the nutes from the bottom leaves? Thanks for the reply! What is wrong with my plant?