First Grow Going Well

Hello! This is just a brief introduction into our first (successful) grow, and we hope you'll follow along on our journey from bagseed to bud.

As stated above, we are using bagseed (three separate varieties named A, B, and C), and have an indoor grow.

We are using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and have four 42w CFLs. The temperature inside the box averages about 90degrees Fahrenheit, and the plants are watered as needed using the "hefting" method and sticking my finger down toward the bottom of the pot(s).

Currently three "girls" are doing well; two of Strain A, and one of Strain C. They were germinated using the damp paper towel method..

The pictures included were taken just shy of two weeks into the grow! I also included some shots of the light/box setup. Please note that these photos were taken with a macro lens so feel free to zoom in (if possible) for a more accurate and detailed picture.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated! Thank you!

(Photos are, from left to right: box, box, box, Strain A Pot 1, Strain A Pot 1.
Strain A Pot 2, Strain A Pot 2, Strain C Pot 1, Strain C Pot 1.)



Active Member
so far so good. i'm a bit confused. did you already grow successfully and are now posting a journal? or are you hoping to grow successfully and are just being optimistic? regardless, good luck or congrats depending on what time or perspective you're viewing this from.
so far so good. i'm a bit confused. did you already grow successfully and are now posting a journal? or are you hoping to grow successfully and are just being optimistic? regardless, good luck or congrats depending on what time or perspective you're viewing this from.
I guess I should clarify, lol! This is the first grow (with the new setup). I'm considering it successful, so far, since our previous tries ended up with massive stretching, over-watering, yadda yadda.

So yes, this is the first grow that is going well and today was the two week marker. I guess I'm being a bit optimistic, but as I said they're doing better than our first few tries! And no, we have never made it from start to smoke before. :D Complete novice!

Thank you for the affirmation; they seem to be doing great this time and I hope it stays that way.
Today I have two more little sproutlings (Strain B, Strain C) peaking out of the soil putting it at a total of five baby plants under four 42w CFLs (now these CFLS have an incredibly high Kelvin/Lumens rating and I can get the exact numbers if anyone needs them). They are on 24/0 cycle with the lights about two and a half to three inches from the top of the plants, the eldest plants are two weeks old, and everything seems hunky-dory. I'll take new photos later-ish.


How soon should I start adding nutrients? The general consensus seems to be around the time the plants develop the fifth leaf set. Any comments?

How soon before my plants start growing upwards instead of out? Right now they're sitting rather low (which is better than stretching) and they also seem to be developing slowly compared to other grows on this site. I realize that the CFLs and the fact that it is bagseed are contributing factors to the speed of the growth, but I just want to make sure my plants are "normal" and healthy.

Thanks to all who are following along and those who have helped/are helping!


Active Member
I'm on my first too. Christmas will come a week or so late this year : ) Anyway, from what I have gathered, it depends on your soil as to when to add nutes. Some soils you won't need to add any until the flowering stage, while others may require you add nutes earlier. I didn't use the Fox Farm's though, so I'm not qualified to speak of it. I gave mine about 1/4 strength nutes around the third week of veg. This worked out well for me. In my case, the plants really took off when I changed from 24/0 to 18/6.
I'm on my first too. Christmas will come a week or so late this year : ) Anyway, from what I have gathered, it depends on your soil as to when to add nutes. Some soils you won't need to add any until the flowering stage, while others may require you add nutes earlier. I didn't use the Fox Farm's though, so I'm not qualified to speak of it. I gave mine about 1/4 strength nutes around the third week of veg. This worked out well for me. In my case, the plants really took off when I changed from 24/0 to 18/6.
Oh, thanks so much! I have Fox Farm nutes to match my Fox Farm soil and their website has a "feeding" schedule so I may just adapt from that and play by ear.

Haha, good luck with your grow! Do you have a journal I could follow? When did you change light cycles?

So many questions! LOL Thanks for answering!
Well today is a little over three weeks in and the girls are starting to show some yellowing of the leaves, and it's the lower leaves that seem to be effected the most/first.

Other than the yellowing, which leads to brown spots and dead looking leaves, they seem to be growing alright - slow and steady, but alright.

I was wondering if maybe they have some kind of nutrient deficiency or perhaps heat stress as it tends to get a bit warm in the box. I will say that half of my girls are less than a week old and they are showing NO signs of yellowing at all - only the older plants.

Any help or advice would be optimal. I'm thinking this is their way of asking for (a very low dose) nutrients.

What do you think? :D

As per usual these pictures were taken with a high end camera on Super Macro so if you'd like detailed photos send me a message.


Okay, so (UPDATE TIME) I pulled Dumbo and Triclops. I know a few of you were iffy on Triclops but he was sharing a home with another potential female and she was starting to show signs of nute deficiency due to, I suppose, competition with the other plant.

So, I have (remaining) Clover, Tipper, Alice, and Baby. Alice and Baby are/were too young and neither has started showing visible signs of gender. That is, to say, I can look at Alice and see where the little calyx's will be when they form, but they're too minuscule to make out.

Tipper has been confirmed a girl, and without giving too much bad ju-ju ... I'm pretty sure Clover is a boy. Fingers crossed for Baby and Alice, please!

RIP Dumbo (Photo 1) and Triclops (Photo 2)



It still amazes me how much the plants can grow in one twenty-four hour period. Incredible! Well, yesterday I had you all help me determine the gender of some plants and the consensus on one named "Clover" was to wait until further development. Weeellll ... we have development and it doesn't appear to be in my favor.

But, as usual, just to make sure (for what should be the last time as I'm getting slightly efficient), I would like to enlist y'alls help once more.

Without further ado ... CLOVER: